Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I Am A Fixer

I am a fixer. Are you a fixer? I think most moms are. When there is a fight over a toy we bring calm to the situation. When there is a scraped knee we fix it with band aids and love. When there is a crushed spirit we fix it with hugs and tissues. We bring meals to those having surgery. We watch our girlfriends' children when she needs a hand. We help at the church when they are in a bind. I am a fixer.

Do you know what frustrates this fixer? Not being able to fix it! I absolutely hate it when I can't fix something. It is hard for me to come to grips that I can't fix the situation. But, no amount of baking, reasoning or organizing is going to fix an extremely complicated situation.  

I have come to learn that there are just some things that can't be fixed with baking, hugs and planning. Especially when the heart is broken. A hug might help for a moment, they might be thankful for a nice meal, but their heart is still aching.

Recently our circle of friends was hit hard by a shocking tragedy. Our hearts are broken, and I can not fix it. I baked some treats, I gave some hugs, and I served some coffee, but it is still not fixed. Even several days later, our hearts are still aching. I am sure several months from now our hearts will still be aching.

In the midst of this tragedy, the Pastor spoke these words to us all, "be still.......be still and know that I am God." Wow, how simple. Why do I make it so complicated? I was lifting up many things in prayer, but being still was not in my thought process. I am a fixer, being still is not really part of my plan.

It makes me wonder, how often is God asking me to "be still" and I am too busy playing the role of "the fixer" to realize it. How often? I am reminded of the verses in Luke 10 when Jesus is over at the home of Martha and Mary. Martha was "distracted by all of the preparations," while Mary was sitting at Jesus' feet. In my mind, Martha is a fixer. She is very busy making sure that her guests have everything they need. She is allowing others to listen to the words of Jesus. She however, becomes a bit overwhelmed by all her work and possibly by a desire to sit and listen too. She is frustrated by her sister's lack of help, but Jesus tells her that Mary has made a better choice. Mary was able to "be still." She was able to put aside the distractions of the world and sit still.

I actually love being a fixer! It makes me feel good to help others, to bless others and to use the talents God has given me to make others smile. I really have a hard time being still. I can always think of something else that needs to be done. But Jesus reminds me in Luke 10 that few things are needed, really only one. Him. 

As we continue to work through our days, let me encourage all of us fixers to set aside some time to be still. I know it is challenging, with so many things that can be fixed. But Jesus is asking us to sit at His feet, set aside the distractions of our day, and bask in His presence. I promise to try, if you do!