Why an Orchard?

Several years ago God gave me a vision for my family. I was reading and came across Psalm 1:3 and even though I had read it several times before, this time it seemed to jump off the page and speak to me.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.

This is what I wanted for my children, or more accurately, the children that God has graciously given to us. (We had learned earlier that same year that life is short, and that these children are not our own, but God's. He has given them to us and in His timing He will take them again to be with Him.) God has given me five amazing gifts, what would He desire for me to do with them?

I truly believe that God desires for our family to be an orchard. That we would be trees planted by water and that we would yield much fruit.

Here is how I see the "tree" analogy:

-The Roots: digging deep in God Word and memorizing scriptures
-The Trunk: growing strong on God's promises and forgiveness....learning to stand in winds (trials) and relying on the roots to keep you strong
-The Branches: reaching up to God in worship through our prayers, praise and giving
-The Fruit: taking what God has given us and blessing others; inviting others to come grow along with us

There it is....now the tough part, living it out. We fail often, but this is our goal, that our family would be a blessing and make an impact for the Kingdom of Christ. I pray that you would take this challenge and join us on this great adventure!  

1 comment:

Tonia Collins said...

Already enjoying your posts Trish! Just want to encourage you to keep it up- I'm sure it won't always be easy, but there are so many of us in the trenches- encouragement is so needed! Looking forward to seeing where this adventure takes you :)