Thursday, September 8, 2016

Today Is Surprise Day!

Are you ever looking for something new and adventurous? I know that sometimes it feels like we get stuck doing the same things, over and over. Well, a few years back a dear friend of mine told me about a tradition that she did when her children were little, and now has continued with her young grandchildren. It sounded like such fun and a wonderful way to make memories that we have started having "Surprise Day" at our home as well. It is fun and easy, let me explain.

"Surprise Day" is a day where you take your family on an adventure without them knowing the details. It can be something simple like making a special craft, fun meal and movie night at home (we have done this when the activity we planned was outside and the weather did not cooperate). Or, as extravagant has a weekend in a special cabin with friends. The idea is to make memories and grow as a family. The surprise part just adds to the adventure.

Let's pretend today really is "Surprise Day" at our home. I have typed up a half sheet of paper with things the children need to know and posted them in different places in our home. The list tells them what they need to pack (extra clothes, water bottle, snack, etc), what they need to wear (swimsuit, long pants, tennis shoes, etc), and what is expected of them before we leave (get one chore done, be in the car by 9am, etc). Today's list says: "You need to wear clothes that can get wet or dirty; You need shoes that can get wet or dirty; You need to pack a towel; You need to bring a water bottle; You need a hat and/or sunglasses; You need to get at least one chore done; You need to be in the car at 10:45am." (This only works because we have a buddy system where the big buddy needs to help the little buddy read and pack all their items; I also look out for the little guys but I have my own list to take care of.)

While the children are taking care of the items on their list, I usually have a list of my own. I typically pack the food for lunch and/or dinner, make sure we have tickets and directions (if needed), have the camera and/or video camera and the most important item on my list is not giving hints. :-) Our children are sneaky and ask very tricky questions to try and find out where we are going. I have to work very hard to keep our surprise a surprise.

We try to have one "Surprise Day" a month. It is getting harder as the children grow older because they are adding things like work and sports practices to the family schedule. So, although I desire for the adventure to be a surprise, I do write "Surprise Day" on the calendar so that everyone has advanced notice and can adjust their schedules accordingly. Warning: the earlier you put it on the calendar the longer you have to avoid the tricky questions.

I honestly love "Surprise Day." It has given us an opportunity to try new things, to build controlled situations where we need to depend on each other and has pushed us past our comfort levels. It has also given us a fun way to bring our faith and love for Christ into focus.

For example, our last "Surprise Day" was a canoeing adventure. We were able to get several canoes from a local shop and started paddling down the river. This excursion was suppose to take us 2.5 hours. Well, the wind was very strong and kept blowing us up stream. It took us nearly 2.5 hours to go only half way. There were many times when we wanted to give up, but what are you suppose to do in the middle of a river? You can't just get out and walk away. We all needed to work together and encourage each other to reach the landing half way through. Although it was extremely hard, afterwards we were able to talk to the children about the hard times that they may face in school, in their marriages, in their jobs and in their futures. Sometimes, God is calling us to keep paddling against the wind, striving for the finish line and not desiring for us to give up.......even when it seems too hard to continue. I know that this is a day are children will not soon forget. :-)

If you are looking for a way to build fun and lasting memories with your children, grandchildren and/or family, I highly recommend adopting "Surprise Day." The adventures are waiting right around the corner!

**A little tip: I know that many Surprise Day ideas are going to cost a good deal of money. I look for when "free" days are offered at places like museums and zoos. I also check for discount days at fairs, parks, camps and other adventures. I like to use coupon sites that offer discounts on adventures as well (Groupon and Living Social are two examples). I have found that even with a family our size, we can have surprise days that don't break the bank. It will take some time, but it will be well worth it! Enjoy the adventure and the amazing family God has given you!

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