Our Family

I have included this page just to give you a bit of insight into who we really are....and we are people just like you doing our best one day at a time.

Our Marriage: My husband and I met in 1991 at a singles Bible study called, "The Gathering." It was a great place to learn, share and grow. We were blessed to have a wonderful friendship before feeling God's push to begin courting. Our married life began in 1994 and we have been trying to figure out this marriage things ever since. I can only vaguely remember a time when I wasn't sharing my life with this amazing man God has given me. Although there are rough patches here and there, I can honestly say that being married has been one of the greatest blessings in my life.

Our Children: God has blessed us with 7 amazing children. (every mom thinks their kids are amazing, don't they) We struggled to conceive for several years and have been overjoyed with each gift we have been given.  Although we have 5 healthy happy biological children, we have also felt the pain of loosing a child through miscarriage and having one born not breathing, no pulse. God is merciful and has blessed us even through the challenges.
     In July of 2013 we were blessed to be granted two more children. These children come to us as foster children but have quickly become an intricate part of our family. They have experienced much pain in their lives and we are privileged to try and provide a loving, stable and Christian home for them to grow up in. Their ages place them right in the center of our children, with two biological children older then them and three younger. Having seven children is always a challenge, but it is truly also a wonderful joy.

Education and Experience: My formal education is as a Christian elementary/middle school teacher. I spent just over 10 years in Christian schools, teaching mostly middle school students. However, I seemed to have worked with children most of my life....in high school I ran birthday parties for a local restaurant, in college I was a nanny for a wonderful family, while teaching I also coached several sports, after teaching I went into Children and Family Ministry and I have also held a day care in my home. I have had the privilege to observe and talk with hundreds of families.

Personal History: I was born to an unwed teenage mother in the early 70's when being a single mom was still "frowned" upon. While growing up I experienced marriage, divorces, re-marriages, abuse, multiple moves, family deaths, siblings, homelessness and many financial struggles. However, through all the craziness, I knew that my mother loved me and that she would do anything for me. She often sacrificed so that I could have something I needed or wanted. Although my childhood left me with many scars, they are all experiences that helped me to grow and that God is using for His glory today.  

My Influences:  Although I try to write posts that are original and refer to my personal experiences, I know that my behaviors and thoughts have been influenced by many. I am sure that some of my words may sound like: Dr. Becky Bailey, Voddie Baucham, Larry Fowler or James Dobson. I have read/listened to many of their works and know that their thoughts have infiltrated mine. Any post on my part that "steals" their words is completely unintentional. If you haven't already read their materials, I highly recommend them.

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