Sunday, June 22, 2014

Taking Life for Granted

Today our guest pastor told us of his oldest granddaughter that was born not breathing, no pulse. She was only expected to live a year and now is 14 years old. She has many challenges that she faces everyday and communicates mostly by blinking her eyes....twice for "yes" and once for "no." I began to cry right in the middle of his sermon.

You see, we have a daughter that was born not breathing, no pulse. Eight and a half years ago, our daughter Halie was born. I remember it like it was yesterday. We had gone in for a test, they didn't like what they saw and we needed to induce labor. After what seemed to be a normal labor she was born. Then it happened......the midwife's face changed expressions, the nurse moved very quickly, buttons were pushed, alarms were sounded, the room filled with professions and I laid in my bed and watched as our newborn daughter was poked, prodded and air was artificially pumped into her body.

The midwife came over to explain that our daughter had been born not breathing and with no pulse. She regained a pulse within the first minute, but she still wasn't breathing on her own. The midwife continued to move back and forth between me and our newborn. It was over 10 minutes. I only know this because as the professions are performing CPR, they yell out the time. Those were the longest 10 minutes of my life.

My husband and I spent those ten minutes praying. Praying together, praying individually, just praying. Praying that no matter what, God would be glorified. After all, He created Halie, she was really not our child, but His. After 10 minutes, she did start breathing on her own and then was taken to the NICU for tests and attention.

Until today's sermon, I never realized how different our lives could be. You see our Halie shows no signs of those first minutes of her life. She has no special needs, she is a happy and healthy eight year old. We have been blessed with a perfect little girl and I have taken that for granted. I have forgotten the true miracle she really is. The miracle that each and everyone of our children are.

You may not have had a traumatic birth experience or extreme situation with your child, but I know you know someone who has. You have heard their stories and have maybe even held their hand as they walked through it. Let me encourage you to hug your precious little one a bit closer today. Let me also encourage you to try and cherish each day that we have together. Let us not take the lives we have been given for granted.

Tonight as I get ready to head to bed and close my day with prayer, I remember the pastor and his family, and any family that I know that is living with a child that has been diagnosed with special needs. May we all truly realize how precious and amazing their lives are!

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