Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Living Like A Christmas Card

'Tis the season for twinkling lights, singing carols, baking treats and making gifts. Now that I have a family of my own, this is really one of my favorite times of the year. However, it can become quite busy and somewhat overwhelming at the same time. I for one still have presents and cards to mail. The hustle and bustle of the last few weeks has left me with little or no time to complete the extra items I have added to my list. It seems that many I talk to are "stressed" this time of year, including me.

Then I heard it, someone say "Have you read the Christmas Cards you have received? What if we lived our lives like those cards, everyday?"

What an amazing concept! When I go read the Christmas Cards we have received,  I find messages of good news and great joy. There are messages encouraging us to spread the love and peace of Christ to everyone. Others talk about the need for us to seek the King each and everyday. Still others are filled with pictures of joy filled faces wanting to share the love and blessings God has given this past year.

I absolutely love our Christmas Card display and the wonderful messages we have received from friends. I think this year we might leave it up a bit longer, and incorporate it into our family devotions. We could re-read one card each night and then decide as a family how we can live out the message we have received.

What might we do to spread love and peace? How can we be sure to seek the King each and everyday? Can we live a life that shows the joy we have in Christ to those around us? I know we will have rough days, but if we remind ourselves of the great messages we have received maybe our Christmas celebration can last far into the New Year. After all, Christ was born for us each and everyday of the year, not just in December.

May you and your family have a blessed New Year and may you know each and everyday that Jesus Christ is the true reason for every season!

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