Monday, November 11, 2013

Giving Thanks For All Things

It is November, so many of the social media sites have people who are writing a different thing each day that they are thankful for. They write things like they are thankful for family, thankful for shelter, thankful for friends and thankful for specific things going on in their lives. I think it is great and have done it often myself.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of leading Children's Church at our congregation. The lesson happened to be on praying about everything. For one of the activities we took the alphabet and wrote down things we could pray to God about. The letter "A" paper looked like this: Anger, Apples, Animals, Adoration, Attitude, Aunts and America. We wanted to pray both for things we are thankful for and for items we need help with. I really liked this activity. It was great to see all the ideas the children could come up with for each letter.

After thinking about these two ideas, giving thanks each day and praying through the alphabet, I thought it would be a great idea for our family to combine the two ideas. Why don't we take time each day to thank God using a different letter of the alphabet to inspire us? This should help our children to focus on all the great blessings they have and to remember exactly whom those blessings come from. Now, I realize that we are 10 days behind, but there are only 26 letters in our alphabet and  maybe on some of the more challenging letters we can double up. I am excited to give it a try!

Let me encourage you to find fun, simple ways to help your child remember they can talk to God about anything and praise God for everything. I wonder what your family will be thankful for? We are going to display our "Thanks Alphabet" in our hall, hopefully that will help encourage others to give thanks for all things. Have a great day thank God!

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