Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Changing A Life

Have you ever watched a show with your family when on comes a commercial that shows children or animals in very desperate situations, and they need your help? It happens occasionally in our home. I generally ignore the commercials. Our family already sponsors some children and has two pets, so I just haven't felt the need to focus on these types of campaigns. What about you?

Recently, our family has entered the "foster care" world. It has been quite an adjustment for everyone, but it has also been a huge blessing. I had no idea how much I personally would grow because of two children that six months ago were basically strangers to me. I am thankful each day for the decision we made to invite them into our family. 

Since entering this new season, our eyes have been opened to so much that is going on around us each and everyday, but we never noticed. We have met or learned about many children in the "system" that are simply looking for a little hope. These are children below grade level in school because no one has ever cared enough to help them with their homework and make sure they are in school each day. These are children that are still having potty accidents at 10 years old because no one has ever taken the time to truly potty train them. These are children that have lived in 4 or 5 different homes just this year. These are children who have no idea what they want to be when they grow-up, because they can't see past tomorrow. These are children who have been abused and/ or experienced things that we can not even imagine. These are children who just want to be loved, know that they will receive three meals a day and be able to come home to the same place each day. 

I know what you are thinking, I thought the same things. We don't have enough money at this time to help....I know about not having enough money. We don't have the room for more children.....yep, we don't either. We don't have the time to take on anything else.....I'm with you, my plate is full. What about the safety and development of our own children.....this is a huge concern, but with monitors, boundaries and open conversations everyone can be on the same page. There is only so much that a person can do....this is very true, but through Christ's strength we can do so much more. 

Today, I am writing a post different than any other. Today, I am going to ask you to think about getting involved in the lives of others. Would you consider being a foster parent? Would you think about being a "Big Brother or Big Sister?" Would you consider sponsoring a child, not just for Christmas, but every month of the year? Getting involved in the foster system is easy, just contact your local county human services department. The organization Big Brothers and Big Sisters is a wonderful place to start to reach out to kids that are struggling. They match you up with a youth and the two of you get to know each other, go on adventures together and build a relationship that could last a lifetime. There are several organization where you can sponsor a child, we use Compassion International, but we also have first hand experience with World Vision, Children International and Children's Christian Concern Society. (I am sure there are many more great ministries out there)

Let me encourage you to take time to pray about how God might be leading you to touch the life of another child. I know that it may be a huge step for you and your family, but I also know that you will be blessed. God has something amazing in store for both you and the child(ren) you are going to share your life with! I'll be praying for you, and thanks for thinking about changing a life.

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