Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Making Disciples In Our Homes

At a Bible study recently, there was some talk about Matthew 28:19...(Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.)  This is a very familiar verse and I have heard people speak on it countless times. However, this time the conversation struck me a bit differently. In the spirit of this verse (and because we love to serve) our family has been on mission trips, sponsor children in third world countries and have given money to several ministries. But, what about the disciples in my own home? Are we doing all we can to make disciples in our homes?

After thinking about Matthew 28:19 and 20 a bit longer, I began to think that I may have lost sight of my first calling, my family. Am I truly witnessing to my family the best that I can? Or, are my weaknesses and sinful nature drowning out any witness that I have? If I am not an affective witness to my own family, how can I be a witness to those outside my home?

I know way too many families, that I would consider to be wonderful Christian families, who are now struggling with their children and the choices they are making. These children have seen the hypocrisy. They see the "church mom" or the "church dad" and they see the "real mom or dad." The youngsters that I have talked to tell me that what they experience is all an act and that they want something real. They don't want to pretend to be something they are not and they don't want to be at a church where everyone is just pretending. I think the teens have a valid point. However, I think they are mistaken about one thing...I don't think their parents are pretending, I think they are just sinners. Their parents are just working hard everyday to do what is right, but everyday they fall short. Just like the rest of us.

So this makes me think that if I am going to consciously work at making disciples in my own home, (which I know is the work of the Holy Spirit, just hang with me a minute) I need to stop the hypocrisy in my home. I believe that our kids need to know that we struggle with sin everyday, and they will struggle with sin everyday, but that doesn't keep us from going to the cross each day and asking for forgiveness. That also doesn't keep us from wanting to allow the Holy Spirit to change our lives. Just because I am a sinner, my behavior is not excused. Just because God loves me just as I am, doesn't mean He doesn't want me to grow more like Him everyday. He also loves our kids just as they are, but He wants them to grow more like Him each day also. Most importantly, just because they are my kids, doesn't mean I shouldn't ask them for forgiveness when I sin against them.

Ultimately, it IS the work of the Holy Spirit in a person's life that draws them to Christ. But as a parent, I want to be sure to have a home where the Holy Spirit is free to do it's work and not hindered by my choices. Some things we can do to help our home be a great place to "plant our orchard" are:  praying for our children; helping them memorize Bible verses; letting them see us taking personal devotion time; having family devotion time; attending worship services; serving others and I am now adding help them see through the hypocrisy, so they too know what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Wow, that is a long list!

Let me encourage us all to wake up each day knowing that God has called us to minister in our home first. May the love that we have for Christ fill our homes and capture our children as the Holy Spirit works in their lives. May we each have the courage to work through the hypocrisy, allow our children to see our failures and use them to help us all grow closer to Christ and the plans He has for us all. This is not going to be easy, God bless and give strength to each one of us as we focus on making disciples in our homes!

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