Monday, October 21, 2013

Birthday With A Twist

I am not sure what your home is like, but our family does not have a shortage of stuff. We are blessed to have bins of toys in the playroom, shelves filled with books in the office and closets filled with clothes in each bedroom. I often think we have too much stuff.

A few years ago we decided that birthday time was one of the times of year when we accumulated more things then we needed. We started asking that friends not bring presents for the six birthdays we have in six weeks. Instead of gifts, we ask guests to help us help others with their needs.  This year we collected hats and gloves for the county homeless program, we filled four large bags with new supplies.   We also have thought of or have collected non-perishable foods, socks for foster kiddos, and school supplies. It is great to see how everyone really embraces the idea!

We also know people who have done similar things for their birthdays. Instead of having a typical party, they take their party and go work at the food pantry or a soup kitchen. There are also organizations like "Feed My Starving Children," that have work days for birthday parties. It really is a great way to celebrate and make a difference all at the same time.

Birthdays are a special time in our home. We love celebrating a new year with our kiddos. There are special dinners, homemade cakes, presents from family and fun activities. However, we also want our children to remember how blessed they truly are. It is important for them to be thankful for their circumstances and take a moment to brighten the day of someone who may not be as blessed.

Let me encourage you to take time to celebrate the birth of each member of your family, for they are precious! Let me also encourage you to think of ways that your family can bless others, it doesn't need to be something big, any type of help is a blessing. What type of twist can you add to your birthdays this year?

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