Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Spinning Out of Control

There are days when the events, activities and situations seem to start our lives spinning out of control. Sometimes it is simply because the calendar just got too jammed with commitments, sometimes it is because of illness, sometimes it is because of a child's decision making, sometimes it is because of work and sometimes it is because of more than one of these developments.

When my days start spinning out of control there are many things that seem to fall to the side personal devotion time, any personal time, individual cuddle time with each child, housework....pretty much anything that is not "screaming" for attention. I am discovering that by allowing some things to go without attention, my days can regain some calmness. However, I am also discovering that their are somethings that when not given attention, cause my days to begin spiraling even more out of control.

I remember an article that I read several years ago about how God gives me enough time each day for the items that He desires for me to complete. The key to finishing these tasks each day is doing my best to make my "to do" list, match what God has planned for me to do today. I find this idea easier said than done, but something clearly stated in scripture: "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3

What I am learning is that not being deliberate about my devotion time, doesn't work. My devotion time is too important to skip and it is one of those items that helps keep my day from spinning. My children are also learning that my devotion time is a very important time to me, they know that interrupting this time is not wise. Only serious situations should call mom from her devotions. (Most days my devotions are complete before they awake, but sometimes there is an early riser or two)

Another commonly pushed aside area that I need to intentionally focus on, is individual contact time. On days that seem busier than any before, I must make sure to spend at least a few moments with each child. It can be as simple as rubbing their back as I look over their shoulder at their homework, eating next to them at the table or reading them a book. No matter what it is, both of us will have a better day if we are able to connect on a personal level.

Recently I posted on how my ability to juggle seven kiddos comes from the strength that Christ gives me. Since that post, the number of days that seem to overwhelm me have greatly outnumbered the "ordinary" days. (God sense of humor) I still know that my strength comes from Christ, but I also know that I am really good at committing to more than I should. I am great at establishing my plans before committing them to the Lord.

Let me encourage you to commit your plans to the Lord, to rely on Christ's strength, and to be intentional about you devotion time. There will still be days that seem to spin away from us, just hold on and remember to focus on what is truly important.

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