Sunday, December 22, 2013

More Than We Can Handle

A few weeks back there was an article floating around the social media networks that talked about the "fuzzy" Christian phrases that are often used. The article spoke of the phrases that Christians often use when ministering to others. You know: "let go and let God;" "prayer changes things;" "whenever God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window;" "God never gives you more than you can handle;" and so forth. Why I completely agree that these phrases can not be used with, nor do they have any meaning for non-Christians, the contents of the article has been bothering me for weeks.

The phrase "God never gives you more than you can handle," took a beating in this article. The author talked about the phrase very negatively, claimed it had no biblical merit and how insulting it is for those that are suffering. Again, for someone without a personal relationship with Christ, this phrase makes no sense. It almost sounds like God is torturing His followers....never pushing them too far past their breaking point.  I don't know about you, but I would probably run far away from a God I thought was torturing His followers. However, because of my faith in Christ, I believe and support this phrase as one that challenges me and comforts me during my journey on this earth.

First, let's look at the Bible for a moment:
  Job 42:2 "I know you can do all things; no purpose of yours will be thwarted."
  Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
  Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
  Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  Ecc. 11:5 "As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in the mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things."
  Psalm 37:4 "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
  Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him that is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us,"
These are just a few verses that I could recall quickly to support my opinion, but all of them seem to be telling us that God is not going to give us more than He will help us handle. Also, in all my reading of scripture over my lifetime I don't recall a single verse that states God will leave us during our hardest struggle or provide no guidance through a tough situation. Joshua 1:5 is one more verse, and it clearly states "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

I want to encourage you today to hold fast to the promises God has given to you. When our circumstances seem unbearable, may we all remember that God's ways are higher then our own. We may not be able to see what He is working on at this moment. We may only see the hurt and difficulty, but God has something greater planned for each and every one of us. Let me challenge you to put your full trust in God, in His plan and His power. Do not be fooled by those who speak against God's plan or try to limit Him by your circumstances....He loves you, knows what is best for all of us and sees a much bigger picture. It probably won't look like the picture in the magazine or on TV, but we are living for the Kingdom, not for this world.

My daughter has a friend who was killed about two years ago. I would never presume to know how her mother feels or the pain that she goes through on a regular basis. But I do know that her mother is allowing God to work through these circumstances and she is being used to change lives. Her daughter's organs have helped at least six people and her daughter's foundation has blessed hundreds. She may never wake in the morning and not long for her daughter, but she is not defeated. She is allowing God's strength, peace and compassion guide her on this new journey He has laid in front of her....holding fast to the knowledge that God will never leave her nor forsake her.

I hope you will join me in firmly believing and trusting that God will not give us more than we can handle!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Great Tradition

As I write this entry, we are in the middle of the Christmas season. A great time to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. However, it often becomes a season of crazy calendars and "to do" lists. In our home there never seems to be a shortage of concerts, programs and events we need to attend and/or prepare for. It is very easy to loose sight of why we are celebrating in the first place. My husband and I have tried to develop some traditions to help us make sure that our family remembers the true reason we have Christmas. I am going to share some of those traditions with you today, if your family doesn't have any traditions, I hope one or two of them inspire you to start something your children will remember when they are grown and have their own families.

Our family traditions begin the Sunday after Thanksgiving with the putting up and decorating of the Christmas tree. It is a great afternoon of hanging lights and ornaments, topped with the addition of the family angel. Each child has their own sack of ornaments that they have or that have been given to them. They each get a chance to put their ornaments on our family tree, a new adventure each year as we rediscover the ornaments in our sacks. 

Family devotions during the month of December come from the book "The Advent Jesse Tree" by Dean Meador Lambert. It is a great resource. Each night the children take turns adding an ornament to our Jesse Tree. Every ornament helps us remember something about Christ and the wonderful gift He is to all of us. When all the ornaments are on the tree, Christmas has arrived!

December 6th is a fun day in our home. That is the day that we remember a gentlemen named St. Nicholas. He would put small gifts in the shoes of young children in his community. Our kiddos will put their shoes outside their bedroom doors and I will fill them with little trinkets and goodies for them to enjoy in the morning. Although this is a very fun activity, it is also one that reminds us that there are many people in our community that have needs that aren't being met, and why we collect hats, gloves and other items to share with them. 

The last couple traditions we have are baking cookie packages for each of our neighbors, going to Worship on Christmas Eve, pancakes on Christmas morning with fruit and whipping cream and giving each child three presents (just as Jesus received 3 gifts). Although none of these traditions are extravagant, they are all things that our children look forward to each year and things that help us remember why we are celebrating in the first place.

No matter how your family celebrates this Christmas, I pray that your home is filled with the Love and Joy of Christ. May each day of this busy season provide you an opportunity to stop and share great traditions with your family and friends. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given!  

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Holding Strong

The past few weeks have found my husband and I trying to explain convictions. I am not sure if you have ventured down this road with your children, but it has not been the easiest road for us to travel. It seems that as our children age they truly want to understand why we choose to do the things we do. This is a wonderful stage, but it is not always easy for me to explain.

When you check with, it states that "conviction" is the state of being convinced and/or  a fixed or firm belief. The choices that my husband and I make for our family, and I assume the choices you make for your family are based on "convictions," or beliefs. You believe in investing in your child and guiding them as they grow.

Most of the convictions that my husband and I are basing our decisions on are from our study of the Bible. When we read the scriptures, spend time in prayer or participate in a Bible Study, there are often times when is seems the Spirit is giving us a clear direction that He would like for our family to take.

As our children spend more time with friends and in activities they have more questions. Why do we only listen to Christian music? Why aren't we allowed to watch THAT television show? Why do we celebrate this holiday, but not that one? Why can't I go to this or that party? For we all know that "everybody else is" able to do whatever it is we are not allowing.

No family is going to be the same. Even if we go to the same church, live in the same neighborhood and use the same curriculum. Each of us have our own convictions and our own ideas of what is best for our children. What might work well for your family, might not work well for any other family.

These are God's children and we will need to answer for our choices....I believe that it was God's plan to give us the exact children that we have. He knew that each child would help us grow as parents and Christians, and that they would influence each other's walk in the best way to strengthen each of our children's faith. Each and everyday He calls me to be the best parent I can be and point my children to a lifelong relationship with Him. It is not my responsibility to parent every child in the neighborhood, at our church or on my daughter's team. However, it is my responsibility to make the best choices for our children. I don't know why I have a strong conviction to raise our children one way and you have a strong conviction to do something different, all I know is that it is important to do what you feel God is calling you to. He truly knows best! He knows each family and the different things that make them unique and stronger.

This idea of conviction and trying to follow God's will is not always easy for us to explain to our kiddos, but it is still very important. It is hard sometimes for our children to see their friends acting in ways that they cannot, but when I remember our goals for their lives, our most important goal is to help them develop a lasting faith and relationship with Jesus, I know a short time of disappointment is necessary and of little consequence when compared to an eternity with Christ.

I don't expect these days of questioning to end anytime soon. Let us encourage one another as we hold strong to the convictions God has laid on our hearts. Be strong and courageous, for the Lord will be with us where ever we go! (especially on this rocky path of parenting)