Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Intended For Good

One of my absolute favorite verses comes from Genesis 50:20. It comes at the end of the amazing retelling of the life of Joseph. A young man who was sold into slavery by his brothers, imprisoned on false charges, favored by the leadership, and eventually made second in command of the entire country. His faithfulness, wisdom and willingness to care for others is inspiring! Although the sins of man had intended to harm Joseph...he stayed faithful, continued to allow God to use his life and God used his hurt and pain to make something wonderful.

There are many times in our lives when we face struggles and hardships. I know that I have had days when I have wondered "how are we (how am I) going to make it through this?" But, once we are through the difficult situation, it is often very easy to see what God was doing. He rarely does what I thought He was doing or should have done, but His plan is always best. I can only imagine how Joseph must have been feeling. It is not hard to believe that Joseph might have asked many times, "God what have I done to deserve this hardship?" But, just think about how many lives would have been lost if Joseph had given up and not been faithful. Joseph didn't know what God had planned for his life, and neither do we.

Let me encourage you today to help your children see how God uses the hard times to grow His Kingdom and shape who we are. We often shelter our children from the hardships that our family might be going through. I would encourage you to let them know about a few struggles (nothing too stressful), pray about them during devotions and help your family see that blessing that God provides.  When your children face hard times, help them to see the value of seeking God's will in the situation and when it seems the circumstances have been resolved, help them to see how God used their struggles to bless them......"Although man intends to harm, God intended it for good!" Helping our children to see God's hand in their lives at a young age will help them travel through the tougher trials with faithfulness and assurance.

I know there are many of you thinking, "well, obviously she has had an easy life with only minor struggles." I have heard it before, people think that I have had some sort of privileged life because I choose to trust God with all aspects of my journey. Let me assure you that my life has been anything but easy...but God has held me in His hand the entire time and I am extremely grateful for His mercy and grace!

One of the most difficult times in my life came when I was about 13 years old. I had confided in a friend some circumstances that had been happening in our home....she had been complaining about her family, and I was trying to help her see that she really didn't have it that bad. She was concerned about what I had said and she told a school counselor. My life as I knew it was changed forever. I was now talking to counselors, police officers, lawyers, therapists and tons of other people I had never met. This confusing time came to a climax with a jury trial and me testifying about our home life in front of even more strange people. When my testimony was over and I was walking out of the court room, the wife of our pastor (someone who had cooked meals for our family, the person who had prayed with me in her living room as I invited Jesus into my heart, someone who had opened her home to me several times), she stood and shouted, "you will be cursed to hell for the lies that you told today." I just stood in shock and needed to be guided out by a nearby adult. She certainly intended to harm me, but by allowing God to work in my circumstances He has turned my hurt and pain into something that is used for the good of His Kingdom.

No matter what your current days are throwing at you I pray that you will be faithful and allow God to use your circumstances to bless His Kingdom. The World may be doing things to try and harm you or your children....the days may not be working out the way you or your children had planned....it may be hard to see how these trials could ever bring Glory to God......but, take heart, the God of the Universe knows your name and your child's name, He loves you and your child deeply and is guiding you both through this journey. He isn't causing the pain, He isn't rejoicing in the struggles, but He is an amazing God and can take the hurt and transform it into a blessing for others. Take a moment today to see how God is helping your family and using your struggle for good?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Putting God's Word In Our Hearts

Psalm 119:11  "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." If you are like me, having your children memorize scripture isn't at the very top of the list of things that need to get done today. It seems no matter what amazing intentions I have for the day, they often get replaced by whatever situation is currently screaming for my attention. Scripture memorization is hardly ever screaming for attention and therefore continually gets postponed.

However, I am resolved to memorize more scripture this year! Scripture memorization is so great in so many ways. Reading and memorizing scripture helps us to develop our character and it helps build character in children. It is a great habit to develop, and just imagine if this was a habit that you had developed at a young age, how much more scripture could recall today. When we teach our children to memorize Bible verses, we are also emphasizing the importance of God's Word. It is not just a book to read, but to apply and live. Finally, when we take the time to memorize scripture, we place verses in our heart and mind...these are verses that the Holy Spirit can use to help us during times of struggle or when ministering to others. If the verses were never there to begin with, it is much more difficult for you to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to the right verse.

How do you decide what verses to memorize? Well, to be honest there are lots of ways that we decide what verses we want our family to study. We have asked friends what verses they memorize and why? We have used the curriculum that the children are using at church and chosen to memorize verses that go with their lessons. We have taken verses from our family devotion books that we thought we wanted to emphasize a bit more. However, most of the verses that our family memorizes come from my personal devotion time. I have a notebook, and as I read or listen to messages and a verse strikes me as one that the family should memorize I simply jot it down. At this stage in our family I am most often looking for verses that deal with our behavior and how we should be treating others. For example: Proverbs 15:1 a gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger. As they mature I will add more verses about the amazing love Christ has for us and how He guides us through this journey. For example: Genesis 50:20 you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good....

Memorizing can be challenging for many reasons. So we try many different strategies with memorizing God's Word: Repetition- taking the time to repeat the verse several times during the day for several days; Motions- we often make up motions to go along with the verse, this way we are using more senses to help us memorize; Write it- writing the verse down is also another great way to add a sense for memorizing, the more senses you use the faster and longer the memory will stay; Paraphrase- being able to memorize the scripture word for word is important, because God's Word is powerful, not mine. However, sometimes being able to but a verse in our own words helps us to completely understand how God is wanting to apply this verse to our life; Acronyms & Acrostics- these are great ways to remember longer verses especially, they can also be lots of fun to develop as a family. I am sure there are tons of other memorization strategies, these are just a few that we use.

With all the facts and phrases that our children memorize in school and learn each day, it is sometimes difficult to work on Bible verse memorization. Our family seems to go in spurts, memorizing several verses one season and only one or two the next. Let me encourage you to help your child memorize scriptures, no matter how many verses you choose to work on with your family. I know you will be happy you did!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Parenting In Five Easy Steps

It seems to me that our culture is always looking for a good list of easy steps to help us through the latest situation we have found ourselves in. So, today I join the trend and give you my idea for the 5 easy steps of parenting....

Step One: Love them more than you love yourself
     It is very important as children grow that they know they are loved. When we put the needs of our children in front of our own needs we help them to learn that they are valued and important. This also demonstrates to our children how they should treat others, with the love Christ. This does not mean we need to spoil rotten, I am referring to NEEDS, not WANTS.

Step Two: Teach them to love the Lord
    An everlasting relationship with Christ is our families most important goal. This is easiest to achieve when we as parents model and demonstrate the deep love we have for the Lord, and by showing our children the great things God is doing in our lives. Having our children attend youth group, Christian camps, Christian concerts and other similar events can assist parents with this task.

Step Three: Establish consistent and high standards
    Children are amazing beings! They typically will achieve what you expect of them. If you establish  consistent and high standards early, they know no different and do all they can to reach those standards. Be careful not to establish unrealistic goals, just challenging ones. This step only works if we are certain to equip our children to reach them. Each child is different, each child needs slightly different goals and different guidance to help them reach those goals.

Step Four: Allow your children to fail
    When you see your children, especially when they are young, about to make a mistake, don't stop them. Allow them to make the mistake and then help them discover a better solution to the problem they had. It is important that we don't always give our children the best solution but lead them to discover the answer on their own. We won't always be there for them and this step helps them to prepare for their future. No matter what mistakes your child makes, try to encourage them and reassure them of your unconditional love.

Step Five: Seek God's will for their life
    God has a plan for each one of us. He has given us all unique gifts and talents to use for His Kingdom. As we are watching our children grow and guiding them through their path on this earth, it is important for us to be looking for what God might have planned for their future. What talents have they been given? How can they use their gifts to bring glory to the Kingdom? This will of course be different for each child. No two children are exactly alike.

There they are, my five easy steps for parenting great kids! Well, maybe they are the five Not-So-Easy steps for parenting. What I have discovered over the years is that their are NO easy steps to parenting. From the sleepless nights with the infant to the sleepless nights with the teenager, all the steps of parenting are hard work. Training children to be responsible, Christ loving people who are contributing members of the Kingdom and of our society is a very difficult task. That is why it is said that parenting is the hardest job in the world.

Don't be discouraged, God has given you these children because He knows that you are the best person for the job. He will provide you with the strength and guidance you need to invest in the blessings He has given you. These five steps are important in our home, but let me encourage you to pray and see what five steps might be the most valuable in your home. Parenting might not be easy, but we are rewarded everyday with smiles, hugs, love and the joy that comes from watching them grow in Christ. There may be no easy steps, but I would rather be a parent than anything else in the world!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Warms Your Heart?

The current temperature where we live is 11 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit) and with the wind it feels like 31 degrees below zero. Boy, is it cold and it has been for a couple of days. We are spending our days inside playing games, watching movies, working on lessons and doing chores. Although it is cold, these lazy days are nice and provide a needed opportunity for us to slow down a bit.

This morning as I was reading, I was "watching" the children. There was a group of them sitting on the living room floor eating a little breakfast and watching a show where small children sing fun songs of praise to God. My heart was filled with joy as I observed our 21 month old trying to sing along and share in this time of praise. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing our children building their relationship with their Heavenly Father.....reading their Bible, singing praises, praying, having Bible study and just giving God thanks for His many blessings. It brings a huge smile to my face!

As I watched our little guy and was filled with joy, I couldn't help but think that God must feel this way sometimes. When He glances our way and sees His children giving praise and worship to Christ, He must smile and fill with joy. How thankful I am for a God who loves me and cares for me and finds delight in me.

So, today if your weather is warm or if your weather is cold, let me encourage you to find something that warms your heart and brings joy to God above! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A 52 Week Blessing Adventure

Happy 2014 everyone! This is the time of year when lots of people are looking at making changes to their lives, maybe making some New Year's Resolutions. Some people will decide to eat better, some to exercise more and maybe some to stop smoking or other behavior change; all of these are great endeavors to fully enjoy the life that God has granted us. This year however, our family has made a resolution of a different kind. We have chosen to journey through this year striving to bless someone each week.

Each year we are given 52 weeks. What we do with those 52 weeks is up to us!

Our family loves to do service activities together. We typically complete one service project a month, sometimes more and sometimes less. However, this year we are going to try and complete a type of service project or blessing to someone each week. That is 52 blessings!

I have to be honest the idea both scares me and excites me. I am so excited that we are focusing on blessing others. Our family is so blessed by people on a regular basis that it is truly great for us to "pay it forward," as people often say. Our children learn so much from serving others: they learn compassion, generosity, humility, empathy, and to put others in front of themselves. I wonder what we will learn and experience.....this excites me. However, the idea of planning, scheduling and executing 52 different blessings scares me. I don't know if I am that creative, or if I have enough time and money to take on such a challenge. Having this "resolution" go from a fun family adventure to a stress filled chore....this scares me.

I by nature am a planner, so I have developed a formula for our 52 week quest. There are basically 4 weeks in each month. Therefore, I have a four week guideline, knowing that there are activities and events that our family is regularly involved in that will hopefully take up the extra week that may come in a month. Here is the plan: one week each month we will bake something for a group of people (teachers, fireman, lifeguards etc); one week we will work with an organization (nursing home, humane society, homeless shelter etc.); one week we will make or collect something (hats & gloves, cards, pillowcase dresses etc); and one week we will go physically do something (rake leaves, pick up trash, clean toys). Some of the activities could fall into more than one category, but it is a nice guideline that helps me feel better. :-)

I would love to encourage you and your family to consider joining us in this wonderful challenge. Imagine how we could impact the world for the Kingdom of Heaven if we all took the challenge to bless others each and every week? If that is a bit overwhelming at this time (I completely understand that feeling!) maybe you and your family could consider completing a service type project each month. I know that after your family spends a whole year serving and blessing others you will see the blessings that God gives you each and everyday in a whole new way.

If you are looking for a few ideas to help you with your family service ideas, click on the "Let's Serve Together" tab and see if there are some ideas that will work well for you and your family. I would love to hear what your family is doing and how your blessing adventure is going. No matter how you choose to spend your 52 weeks, may you and your family be truly blessed in 2014!