Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Warms Your Heart?

The current temperature where we live is 11 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit) and with the wind it feels like 31 degrees below zero. Boy, is it cold and it has been for a couple of days. We are spending our days inside playing games, watching movies, working on lessons and doing chores. Although it is cold, these lazy days are nice and provide a needed opportunity for us to slow down a bit.

This morning as I was reading, I was "watching" the children. There was a group of them sitting on the living room floor eating a little breakfast and watching a show where small children sing fun songs of praise to God. My heart was filled with joy as I observed our 21 month old trying to sing along and share in this time of praise. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing our children building their relationship with their Heavenly Father.....reading their Bible, singing praises, praying, having Bible study and just giving God thanks for His many blessings. It brings a huge smile to my face!

As I watched our little guy and was filled with joy, I couldn't help but think that God must feel this way sometimes. When He glances our way and sees His children giving praise and worship to Christ, He must smile and fill with joy. How thankful I am for a God who loves me and cares for me and finds delight in me.

So, today if your weather is warm or if your weather is cold, let me encourage you to find something that warms your heart and brings joy to God above! 

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