Saturday, January 11, 2014

Parenting In Five Easy Steps

It seems to me that our culture is always looking for a good list of easy steps to help us through the latest situation we have found ourselves in. So, today I join the trend and give you my idea for the 5 easy steps of parenting....

Step One: Love them more than you love yourself
     It is very important as children grow that they know they are loved. When we put the needs of our children in front of our own needs we help them to learn that they are valued and important. This also demonstrates to our children how they should treat others, with the love Christ. This does not mean we need to spoil rotten, I am referring to NEEDS, not WANTS.

Step Two: Teach them to love the Lord
    An everlasting relationship with Christ is our families most important goal. This is easiest to achieve when we as parents model and demonstrate the deep love we have for the Lord, and by showing our children the great things God is doing in our lives. Having our children attend youth group, Christian camps, Christian concerts and other similar events can assist parents with this task.

Step Three: Establish consistent and high standards
    Children are amazing beings! They typically will achieve what you expect of them. If you establish  consistent and high standards early, they know no different and do all they can to reach those standards. Be careful not to establish unrealistic goals, just challenging ones. This step only works if we are certain to equip our children to reach them. Each child is different, each child needs slightly different goals and different guidance to help them reach those goals.

Step Four: Allow your children to fail
    When you see your children, especially when they are young, about to make a mistake, don't stop them. Allow them to make the mistake and then help them discover a better solution to the problem they had. It is important that we don't always give our children the best solution but lead them to discover the answer on their own. We won't always be there for them and this step helps them to prepare for their future. No matter what mistakes your child makes, try to encourage them and reassure them of your unconditional love.

Step Five: Seek God's will for their life
    God has a plan for each one of us. He has given us all unique gifts and talents to use for His Kingdom. As we are watching our children grow and guiding them through their path on this earth, it is important for us to be looking for what God might have planned for their future. What talents have they been given? How can they use their gifts to bring glory to the Kingdom? This will of course be different for each child. No two children are exactly alike.

There they are, my five easy steps for parenting great kids! Well, maybe they are the five Not-So-Easy steps for parenting. What I have discovered over the years is that their are NO easy steps to parenting. From the sleepless nights with the infant to the sleepless nights with the teenager, all the steps of parenting are hard work. Training children to be responsible, Christ loving people who are contributing members of the Kingdom and of our society is a very difficult task. That is why it is said that parenting is the hardest job in the world.

Don't be discouraged, God has given you these children because He knows that you are the best person for the job. He will provide you with the strength and guidance you need to invest in the blessings He has given you. These five steps are important in our home, but let me encourage you to pray and see what five steps might be the most valuable in your home. Parenting might not be easy, but we are rewarded everyday with smiles, hugs, love and the joy that comes from watching them grow in Christ. There may be no easy steps, but I would rather be a parent than anything else in the world!

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