Sunday, August 10, 2014

End Of Detour

I had an opportunity recently to attend a women's/mom's mini retreat while our children were attending a local Vacation Bible School. It was very nice to spend five mornings with moms just sharing, encouraging and learning more about Christ. I made some new friends and connected with some old ones. There were many tasks that could have been completed at home in the time I spent at this retreat, but it was really great for my heart to rest with these ladies.

One day between speakers we were chatting at our table. A friend next to me was explaining how the road leading from her home to her work was now under construction and there was now a detour attempting to direct her on a new route. She continued to explain how her trip went the very first time she took the detour. I still remember the laughter in her voice as she detailed for us the way she entered the detour's first turn just to be greeted by a sign that read "End of Detour." "What?" she said, "how can this be the end of the detour? I just started and I am no where near where I want to be going!" It was quite comical, our whole table got a good laugh from the story.

How many times has God placed us on a journey where the detour ended, and we were no where near where we thought we were going? How many times have I thought this journey was just beginning, and there in front of me was an "End of Detour" sign? Honestly, I think this has happened hundreds of times during my life.

Here are some of the "end of detour" signs that have jumped into my path just when I thought a new journey was beginning, not ending. Let's start when Jim and I got married, I was sure we were at the beginning of a wonderful time and soon we would have some wonderful little ones to help make our family complete......God certainly had different plans and those six years waiting for children seemed like an extremely long time to wait at a detour. Or, what about the time we moved to a new state to start working in a new ministry just to have the leadership change and our help be no longer needed.....really, why did we move all this way just to be unemployed and only weeks from living on the streets? My heart still aches for the time when we excitedly told our family and friends we were expecting another blessing, just to be faced with a miscarriage days later. I for one can say that I don't always appreciate these "end of detour" signs.

 Here is the tough part for me: when I reach a detour I am frustrated that I can't go the way I want to, and when I look down the path I want to take and see no reason for the detour it frustrates me even more. My very thoughts are, "Clearly there is really nothing wrong with this road, this detour is just a waste of my time!" Guess what happens when I refuse to take the detour and continue past the road closed sign. I find the road really is closed, and now I am stuck with little or no room to turn around, and I end up on the exact detour I was trying to avoid. Seriously, what was I thinking? Do I really think that I know better then the designer of this plan? Well, yes, sometimes I think I do. It is completely foolish, I know! But this sinful being wants what she wants and is not fond of detours. (Wow, now I sound like my five year old) However, when I truly look at these situations and the many more I didn't list, I can see the loving hand of God leading and directing our family.

I LOVE our journey, I love where God has taken us and the sometimes painful lessons He has taught us. It really is amazing to me. He clearly knows what we need before we even know we need it. God knew our marriage wasn't ready for children and we had many steps to complete before we were really ready to grow our family. He knew He was going to bless us beyond measure with seven children, I just needed to be patient. God also knew that another ministry down the road is where we needed to be. He used the first ministry to put us in the right spot, but I truly believe the entire reason we moved was for the second ministry and ultimately, for our current ministry. He knew the skills we would need to obtain and the trials we would need to grow through. 

I clearly don't know more than the designer of this path! Even though my life seems to be filled with too many "end of detour" signs, I know that God is in control. I may not be anywhere near where I thought I was going, that doesn't matter to me, just as long as I am exactly where God wants me to be.

I pray that no matter where you are in your journey, whether it is driving smoothly down the road, covering some rough terrain or stopped at a detour, that you are exactly where God wants you to be. If you are unsure, let me encourage you to take time to pray and read the Bible. I am positive that God has some great plans for you and your family!

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