Friday, May 29, 2015

My Favorite Things

Do you know the song? Have you see the movie? I have seen The Sound Of Music, about twenty times or even more. It really is one of our family favorites.

A few weeks ago I was having a tough week. A schedule that was way too full, an irritating cold, some unexpected expenses and a crazy string of discipline issues at home just made me feel out of sorts and in need of a pick me up. I was waiting for a child to finish at an appointment and decided to take a nice walk around the block. It was finally spring and the weather was great. A gentle breeze, a partly cloudy sky and a comfortable temperature makes for great walks, at least in my book. 

As I rounded the second corner, it happened, the wonderful smell of fresh blooming lilacs engulfed me. I honestly had to stop and linger. I LOVE lilacs. I don't know why, but I always have. Just hanging out in the lilac breeze lifted my spirits and gave me an extra spring in my step. 

It made me think, maybe the old song from The Sound Of Music was more then just a fun piece. So I started listing MY favorite things.....not in song form, just a list:
-lilacs, obviously
-glances and waves our children give me when I drop them off at an activity
-when my husband holds my hand
-our little one pats me on the back when I pick him up, as if to say "there, there, mommy"
-watching dads play with their children at the park or in their yard
-seeing one of our children doing something they LOVE
-sunsets on the water or even a sunsetting behind you as you watch the water; it's awesome
-the quiet moments right after the children go to bed
-when one of our children yells, "thanks, you are the best mom ever!" especially when all I had to do was make pancakes for lunch.
-seeing our children praising God in worship
-a clock that says 12:34
-whisker rubs from my Grandfather (the thing I miss most about him)
-Dark Chocolate and raspberry snacks
-the smell and joy that comes when holding a newborn

You get the idea.

I have to tell you that after thinking about all these favorite things, and a few more, I felt truly blessed. I felt loved and was no longer in a bad mood. It is a strategy that I use often now. I am sure it is a little like counting your blessings :-)

If you are having a down day, let me encourage you to think of your favorite things. They are just some of the many blessings that God sends into your life to brighten your days. Enjoy making a list of your truly favorite things!

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