Monday, February 17, 2014

Where, In The World, Is The Church?

In the last couple of months there seems to have been an abundance of things happening that make me shake my head and wonder. So many disappointing choices being made in our country and society. How did we get here?  Have we as Christians removed ourselves from this world so much that we no longer have any influence?

Don't misunderstand me, I truly see the value in removing ourselves from this world. Our family is NOT your typical American family. We do many things differently and I am sure many people would call us weird or maybe even some different names. We have chosen to live how we do because we feel it is best for our entire family and how we live aligns with how we view scripture. Romans 12:2 tells us to "not conform to the pattern of this world," and 1 Peter 1:14 instructs us to "not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance." There are many more scriptures advising us to be careful with how we choose to live our life and I totally agree, we need to be very careful.

I wonder though if our "being careful" and "not conforming" has actually led to us removing ourselves completely. No, that was an incorrect statement, I don't wonder if we have removed ourselves completely, I know that many of us have. Many of us have turned our focus to our family and our faith and have almost ignored what is going on around us. I am guilty of this also. I have been so immersed in raising a Godly family that I have neglected to stay involved in my local politics, I have neglected to encourage young Christian artists, I have neglected to see the importance of speaking the TRUTH in LOVE. I have chosen to avoid the conflict and focus on my home. In part, I am to blame for where we are today.

Maybe you are wondering what I am talking about....what is wrong with our society and country? I am struggling with new policies: common core curriculum, mandatory abortion insurance, loss of parental rights to government commitees. The entertainment industry is to the point of shocking me on a regular basis, the Grammy's are the latest example where people who call themselves artists are basically having sex right there on your television. I am not really sure how that makes them better singers or write better songs. The medical and science industries working to terminate and manipulate life instead of preserve and treasure it. How did we get this place in time?

I mentioned that I felt one contributing factor was that many of us have removed ourselves from the world's everyday business, but I also feel that there are many in the church that are weakening the Church's influence. When groups of people claiming to be Christ followers are picketing funerals, schools and families; or when cults and extreme religious practices are given television time; or leaders in the church hide abuse or other mistreatments, it sends a mixed message to unbelievers. Many in the world have begun to believe that Christians are some sort of "radicals" and we live our life based on some obscure imaginary reality. The struggles and battles within the church itself is weakening our credibility. It seems to me that there are many in our world that won't even listen to the point of view of a  Bible believing Christian because of their personal experiences and media based bias. It is very sad, but it is possible that the Church has become its own worst enemy.

Now what? Well, that is a good question. Is the Christian influence so far removed that there is really nothing we can do? Or, can we as individuals make a difference? Can we start small, in our own communities, and start sharing Christ's love with one another? Can we reach out to the needs we see around us? Can we come along people without judgment, full of compassion and start erasing some of these negative misconceptions? Yes, I think we can. I think that each of us being active disciples of Christ will help us regain some credibility and put the Church back in the world in a positive way. Let's encourage one another to speak the truth in love, reach out with compassion to those near us and  reenter the world as a influential voice!

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