Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mommy's Helper!

I hear from Mothers often who are feeling a bit overwhelmed and need a bit of instant help. Today's instant help tip is to find a Mommy's helper. This is especially great for moms who are juggling multiple kiddos under the age of 6 or 7 years old. Let me explain.

A Mommy's Helper is usually a young person who comes to assist you on a regular basis. This could be as little as once or twice a month or as much as two or three times a week. What would really help you? Maybe it would be most helpful to have someone play with your little ones on laundry day. Maybe it would be best to have someone reading to your youngsters while you are schooling some older children. Maybe having the ability to get a great workout in the basement twice a week knowing that your precious blessings are entertained and safe, is what you need. What would really help you?

A good mommy's helper is typically between the ages of 10 and 14 years old. They are usually the type of children that gravitate towards the youngest members at any event or gathering. When looking for a candidate for your helper, I recommend looking at who is helping in the nursery or children's ministry at church; watch who comes up to the new babies and wants to make them smile or coo; think about what young ladies connect with your children when you are at an event or activity. Remember, you are going to be home working when they are in your home, so you don't necessarily need to find the MOST responsible or MOST mature helper, you are looking for someone who is good at playing with children.

Before finding a helper consider when you want the helper and what they might be doing. If you are wanting someone in the mornings, look into the homeschool community in your area. If after school works great, then look into those that might not be heavily involved in sports or other after school activities. If you can't really find any youngsters to help, then think about looking at "Grandmas." There are often grandma type ladies who either don't have grandchildren of their own or who live very far away from their grandchildren. Many of them would love to come and play with, rock with, or read with your little ones. You would probably be blessing them as much as they are blessing you!

Our two oldest daughters both have experience as a mommy helper outside our home (all of our kiddos help me inside our home). If you have a daughter who likes helping with little ones, this is a great way for them to get some experience so they will be ready to babysit one day on their own. A mommy's helper is never left alone with the children and is working on developing both babysitting and parenting skills. It is also a great way for them to make a little money that is just their own.

That is right, I said make a little money. I know of a few mommy helpers that help for community service hours, but most are wanting to get paid. Now, don't loose hope already, the helpers I know get paid very little because the mom is still ultimately responsible for their child. The helper is never left alone. The mommy helpers I know get paid between $2 and $3 an hour. There is really no reason to pay more because you are also offering your helpers the experience and help needed to become the best babysitter in town. And with your glowing references, she will be earning a great wage in the near future.

I know that us "supermom's" have the need to act like we have it all together, but let me encourage you to take a look at your home and see if a Mommy Helper is right for you. I know many woman who have been blessed by them and I am sure you will be too. I for one, could not survive my weeks without my helpers!

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