Saturday, February 8, 2014

You Are Doing Great!

A debate that has lasted for in the home mom vs. work outside the home mom. It seems silly to me that we need to debate who is working harder and who is doing the most good for their family. It is just like when our older girls have the "who is smarter" or "who is more talented" argument. Really? They are both smart and both talented, there is no reason to put the other person down and make it a competition.

I have had experience as a mom who worked outside the home full-time, a mom who worked outside the home part-time and a mom who works full-time inside the home. I can tell you from my experience they are all challenging jobs. It is not any easier to work outside the home or inside the home. All aspects of raising a family take a great deal of work, it doesn't need to be a competition.

The one difference I have noticed when working both inside and outside the home, is the need for affirmation. Most people who work outside the home receive affirmation in the shape of a pay check, job reviews, promotions and other incentives. Mom's who work inside the home will often get hugs, thank you's, and smiles. However, these affirmations are not always as gratifying as those from outside the home because these affirmations are often followed by temper tantrums, argumentative teens and a seemingly endless job description.

No matter if you work inside or outside the home, if you are investing in your children, you are doing a great job! Don't allow the view of others to make you feel less than you are. Our children deserve the time and energy we give them, and they deserve a mom who is confident that she is making the best choice for her family. All children deserve this confident mom, so please be generous with affirming words to the moms around you. Being a mom is hard work, let us stop competing and start blessing.

Be confident that God has chosen these children to be in your home because He knew that you were the best mom for them. Let me encourage you to continue to pray for God to lead you as you raise these children. With His love and guidance you can know for sure that you are doing a great job!

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