Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dry and Weary Land

Have you been there lately? The dry and weary land? I have. It seems to me that as we walk this journey on earth that our life goes through different seasons. Some seasons are great! These seasons are full of joy, good experiences and amazing times with God. Some seasons are comfortable. These seasons are filled with more joy than sadness, experiences that aren't too tough to handle and times with God that leave you knowing His peace and love still surround you. Some seasons are dry and weary. These season seem to be filled with stressful days and experiences, and leave you longing for more time with God because He seems so far away.

So here I am in my dry and weary land, having difficulty carving out time for devotions, prayer and personal quiet time. I feel drained and empty. I am amazed at how fast the seasons seem to change for me. It is almost as if one day everything is super and the next day I can barely utter two words in prayer. I have no idea what causes the change. Could it be a lack of sleep, an over crammed schedule, some family turmoil or just lack of personal friend time? Or, could it be that this is simply a rocky part of the path that I am walking with the Father?

As I walk in this desert path, I need to remind myself to do my devotion, even if it is at an unusual time of the day. I need to remind myself to pray throughout the day as joys and concerns are revealed to me. I need to remind myself that no matter how far I FEEL from God right now, He hasn't moved. He is still walking each step right beside me and loves me just as much today as He did last week when everything felt great. I need to remind myself that my relationship with God is not about my feelings, as they will change but God is sovereign and is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is with me on the mountain, in the valley and through the desert....and I am so thankful to know that His promises are real, even when I don't FEEL like claiming them.

So today, I will read my devotion....try to pray and talk with God throughout my day....and remember that He is with me, He loves me and His mercies are new every morning! I know that this season will pass and that I will have grown in my faith and am being prepared for a season yet to come. To God be the Glory!

May God bless you in whatever season you are in! If you are finding yourself in a dessert today, I pray that you will have the strength to see God in your day. That His love will surround you, that His peace would cover you and that you will know that His hands will be guiding you through this season. May you know His promises are real and may you have a stronger relationship with Him when this season is through.

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