Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Snuggle Time!

At first, I thought it was just a quirk in my family, but I have seen it in other families recently as well. It seems that the end of the school year brings out a special need in my children. The need to snuggle. Now most of the time, I wouldn't use a word like NEED to describe snuggle time, it is usually more of a want...however, not these days, it is certainly a need.

I wonder what it is about the end of the school year. Are children starting to react because they know their schedule will be changing? Are they excited about moving up a grade? Are they just warn out after working so hard for so long? Or, is it all of the above?

This year, I first saw the symptoms in our oldest daughter. She literally came to me and said, "I need you to snuggle with me." Really? I thought. I didn't pay much attention, I had a lot to get done. But this happened several days in a row. Then a friend and mom of a young family we know, stated that her children were extra emotional and needed more "mommy" time these days. And now, it seems to have invaded my home.....everyone needs a good snuggle!

There was a good lesson in here for me. When our oldest daughter first approached me, I truly thought she was just wasting time and being silly. NOPE. She really needed the loving tough of her mommy. Even though she is taller than me and most days would prefer not to have me "tag along." She still NEEDS me. She still needs a firm hug....she still needs to know that she is my little girl....she still needs to feel the security of my loving arms.

I found actual research that talks about the benefits of touch. A good snuggle time is great for: reducing stress; calming anxiety and depression; decreasing pain; strengthening the immune system; and creating a sense of well being. Wow! I had no idea that snuggling on the couch with my kiddos could help us both so much. I love a good snuggle, always have, but now when I see my "to do" list sitting on the counter and I have a child that needs a snuggle...I am going to remember that the snuggle will probably benefit us both a great deal more than the clean dishes or folded laundry.

May God truly bless us all as we remember that you are never to old to snuggle and as we strive to raise children that will impact His Kingdom and bring His light to the world!

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