Friday, June 14, 2013

Warning Signs

On any road trip that you take with your family during the summer months, you are certain to meet with some construction. I was recently taking a long trip with the family and had the privilege of driving down many roadways that were receiving their summer improvements. When passing through them I noticed a few things: first, there are warning signs that say the construction is ahead; second, the speed limit is lowered and you are told to slow down; next, more signs directing you which lanes to avoid or which way to merge; finally, your car is surrounded by large orange objects on one side and a cement wall on the other side....making it very difficult to see what is up ahead.  

These disturbances to my otherwise wonderful drive began to make me realize that there are many times in my life and in my parenting when these same type of signs occur. Sometimes as I walk this journey of life I receive small warning signs....from godly council, through reading the Word or from my prayer and devotion time. These signs typically give me an idea that something is not quite right about this road I am on. However, if I continue on this road and don't heed the small warnings, I have noticed that more direction usually comes my way. There is more direct council and events that seem to slow down my progress on this road. My actions or plans are then often interrupted and the only way I can continue on this chosen road is by traveling through some very narrow choice and then at times it feels like I have no way to see what is ahead and almost like the sides of the road are closing in on me. I myself am under construction. God is choosing to use His Word, my prayer time and the godly people around me to help me through the areas of my life that are in need of improvements or to guide me through some tough parts of my journey. It is always clear, once I have traveled through a difficult situation, how God has lovingly guided me through the entire journey. I am certain that you will find evidence of this in your life as well.

It seems that I had plenty of time to think on this long road trip we took as a family, and I have begun to wonder if I can use these same principles with my children. (I know I am not God, don't want to be, He does a much better job than I ever could!) When watching my children, I can typically see warning signs that things are about to go bad....wether it is a looming argument over a toy, a poor choice in friends, or a developing attitude. So, when I see these and other things developing on the horizon, what would happen if I followed the same patterns of the road under construction. Could I help us avoid points of great turmoil and poor visibility? Here is the pattern I am going to try: notice the warning signs; tell participants to slow down and look at the situation; help them avoid the dangerous lanes while encouraging them to merge to open lanes of cooperation; if they insist on traveling this path, then they will be surrounded with loving arms that help them to see the difficult places they are traveling through and help to guide them to the other side of the situation. 

I am sure most of you already have a creative system similar to this. What helped you develop your system? If not, take a look at the construction the next time you are on a road trip and see if a similar pattern might help peace prevail in your home. 

May God truly bless you and your family as you travel this summer. May He also bless us all as we help teach the children He has blessed us with, how to see the Warning Signs and the ways God is directing them.

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