Friday, July 19, 2013

Spreading On My Jesus

It is summer here in the United States and with it comes many summer activities. Our family loves to do things in the outdoors....picking berries, swimming, biking, having picnics and playing sports. These are usually fun days. However, with these great times outside also comes the very hot sun. Our family has Scandinavian heritage and therefore we burn very easily, so with any outdoor fun comes a thick layer of sunscreen.

What if we could put on an extra layer of Jesus like we do our sunscreen? What if each time we left the house we could put a thick layer of Jesus on? A layer that would shine and glisten for others to see and also protect us from harmful rays. Wouldn't that be great!

Well, as we all know, most things that are important and valuable take time and hard work. Our relationship with Jesus is no different. If we are truly desiring to have a thick layer of Jesus on, we are going to have to put in the time. The more time we spend reading His word and talking to Him in prayer, the more we will begin to take on His characteristics. As we become more like Him we will "shine" for others around us to see and we will be more prepared to resist the temptations that come our way.

So I guess we can put on a thick layer of Jesus, it just takes a bit more time then the sunscreen. However, as long as we remember to reapply often, He will be there to protect and shine through us even on the cold, cloudy days.

Let me encourage you today to set aside some time to spend with Jesus. Put a thick layer of His word on you and your children today and everyday......then go out and let Him shine through you!

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