Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Broken....Lacking Love

I have just recently noticed the amount of people that I encounter everyday that seem to be broken, hurt and don't feel truly loved. I don't know if my eyes were closed, or if my life was just "too busy" for me to really notice them before. I hope I wasn't purposing just turning the other way!

As I have stopped and taken the time to talk to some of them and get to know them, I have noticed a few similarities. First, they have never known unconditional love or it has been an extremely long time since they last experienced unconditional love. It seems like they have learned that love is a tool to be used to manipulate a situation. Most of the broken people I know are women and this "love" that they experience is used to manipulate them into staying in hurtful and/or abusive relationships. These women are so desperate for some loving attention that they end up stuck in horrible situations.

Another similarity that I noticed, is the need for approval or attention. These broken women seem to be stuck in an approval seeking stage. They are always trying to make someone happy, so that they can win their approval. To me, it seems that these ladies are working to please everyone but themselves and they end up lonely, hurt and unhappy. The whole situation is very sad to me.

There are two actions I want to take from now on. The first is trying to show all people, but especially those I know are hurt and broken, the unconditional love of Christ. I will try my best to befriend them and offer a hand whenever I can, but I am human and I will fail them. I hope to help them understand that all humans are going to fail them eventually. None of us are capable of filling their lives like Jesus can. He is truly the only one that can turn our mourning into dancing and our sorrow into joy. His love and how He is able to change peoples lives is really the only thing that is going to help them get unstuck from the horrible situation they are in. Let me encourage you to look around you for hurting people, affirm that they are valuable and to lift them up in prayer.

The other step I want to take is to help my children see that they are valuable, precious creations of our loving Father. I want to help them develop a personal relationship with Christ and encourage them to see that He is the only one that can fill the hole they have in their heart. I will use my own failures to show them that even though I love them immensely, I will still let them down and they will still let me down. Only Jesus is the one that never fails us. I pray that by giving them this foundation they will never find the need to seek their approval from others. They are fearfully and wonderfully made and Christ's death and resurrection is all the approval they need!

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