Friday, September 27, 2013

We Can Do All Things

At least once a week someone will say to me, "I don't know how you can do it." It seems that having seven children ages 13 and under, is more than most people can imagine. When we add homeschooling and volunteer projects to our days, most people seem to decide they would not be able to survive our everyday schedule.

When the conversation includes "I don't know how you can do it," I typically respond with something like...."it is quite an adventure" or "some days are easier than others" or "it really isn't that bad." These are all true statements, but I was not happy with the impressions I was leaving with people. It is true that many days I am exhausted and that many days fill me with great joy, but each and everyday seems to bring unique challenges of it's own.

My husband and I were at a family event recently, and it seemed that every conversation included the phrase, "I don't know how you can do it." By the time the event was over, I had decided that I needed to develop a new strategy to respond to that statement. Philippians 4:13 came to mind...."I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" and 2 Timothy 1:7..."God does not give us a Spirit to make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."

I believe many times people look at me and think...."oh, that poor girl, she is caring for 7 children; how awful that must be." I pray that I never give that impression! I may be tired sometimes, my house may not be "show" ready, but I am so blessed to have this opportunity. I truly love our family and I love all 7 of the kiddos that God has placed in our home. It is simply amazing to me to see how God works through each one of them.

I admit, there are days, like today, when I just want to crash on the couch for an hour and take a nap; (there is nothing wrong with naps) but God has a higher calling for my days right now. He has given me the awesome opportunity to impact the lives of 8 amazing people. He has blessed me with the chance to help little ones see His numerous blessings, His unending love and His marvelous plan for our lives. The time I have with them as children is so short compared with the amount of time they will be adults and on their own.

Let me encourage you to claim Philippians 4:13 and remember on your most stressful days that you can do all things with Christ's strength. I hope you will join me as I try to remember that God has given me a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline. Let's all choose to rejoice in the little things, not sweat the minor things and allow the major victories and Christ's love to refresh us each and everyday!

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