Friday, September 13, 2013

Window of Frustration

It has occurred to me that I have a window of frustration. A time each day when my patience is thin, my energy low and my stress too high. This window seems to occur each day from about 4pm until 6pm.

This is the time of day when children are calling for help with their homework; when dinner is needing tending and preparing; when young ones that are too old for a nap show signs of needing a nap; when chores need to be completed; when youngsters need to be transported to or from events; and when everyone is anxiously awaiting the arrival of their father after his day at work. This is the time of day when I can turn from the helpful, understanding parent I desire to be.....and become a short tempered, demanding parent. Not a good time for anyone.

I am not happy with my window of frustration! It certainly isn't my child's fault that everything seems to happen at once. So, I have been trying to think of some proactive ideas to help us all make it through this time frame without any casualties. Here are some ideas we are trying, I would love to hear any ideas you have.....
     -have an activity area ready (play dough, drawing supplies, rice table, water colors)
     -have an outside activity ready (sidewalk chalk, bubbles, water table, sandbox)
     -have a homework table cleared and supplied with pencils, erasers and pencil sharpeners
     -ask an older child to help out at the homework table
     -allow children to help with dinner prep (making sure the kitchen is ready for extra hands, before the  
       4pm window starts)
     -utilize any down times during nap or throughout the day to help conquer tasks that can be
      completed before this window opens
     -encourage young readers to read to the dog or baby now and I will listen to them read at bedtime
     -limit the number of friends and extra activities during this window
     -pray about this time of day an my attitude

It certainly is not a perfect plan and there are days when the "mean mom" still shows her ugly face, but those days are becoming fewer and fewer. I know that I don't need to be a perfect mom, and I will always have struggles. However, my prayer is for our home to be a loving, joyfilled environment and a daily window of frustration does not fit into that description. I also desire to help my children see that they can work through even their toughest challenges, I certainly cannot teach them something I cannot do myself.

Let me encourage you to look at your day. Is there a window of frustration in your home? Maybe yours is in the morning getting ready for school, or at night when everyone is needing to get in bed, or a different time when your family is very busy. Please take a look at your day and how you might make that window of frustration a bit more positive and a better experience for everyone. It won't be easy, but you and your family are sure to be blessed. May God's love, joy and peace fill your days! 

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