Sunday, September 8, 2013

They Aren't Going To Change Me

The phrase "they aren't going to change me," actually makes me sad. It makes me sad because we have decided before a situation even begins that we are not going to fully engage in the circumstances. If we are truly committed, 100% to a situation, we can't help but be changed. The people in our life our meant to encourage, mold, teach, lead and inspire us. How can we not be changed?

I hear this phrase most often from parents expecting their first child or parents with young children. They have decided that they are happy with their lives and they are not going to allow some kid to change the things they like and how they act. Now I know, that many are just inexperienced and once they begin parenting they will see how foolish this concept is. However, they are still many that work extremely hard to make sure that their favorite type of lifestyle does not change. But why?

I can not even imagine not allowing my children to change me. They have made me a better person in so many ways. I am extremely thankful for all the lessons they teach me every week. As we grow together, they have taught me to be more patient.....doing things on their own is very important and can sometimes take ten times longer than if mom does it for them; they have taught me heart longs to see the needs of my child met before my own; they have taught me humility......nothing humbles me faster than hearing a negative phrase that I routinely say, come from my little ones own mouth;  they have taught me that I am stronger than I thought.....they have given me many opportunities to push myself beyond what I thought was possible and accomplish greater things. I am a much happier, much healthier, much more productive and much better person because I have allowed my children to change me. It is something I will never regret.

I am not suggesting that you shouldn't have a "girls night out," or that you shouldn't still play in the softball league on Tuesday nights. However, I am suggesting that you look at your week and see on average how much time you spend with your child and how much time they spend away from you.  God has truly only given them to you for a short time. And the amount of time you have with them before they begin to ask for time on their own is even shorter....just a few short years to devote to those little ones and establish great habits.

I will admit, I am clearly more involved in my children's lives today then I was when we only had one child. With each precious blessing came a more deliberate effort by my husband and I to dedicate time to our children. We have always felt that it is extremely important for our children to learn a love for family. That love starts with us and the choices we make. We choose to let our amazing children (amazing because of what God is doing in their lives) change us.

Let me encourage you to take a look at whether or not your children are changing you, and how you might devote yourself to their development more each day. They will be gone before you know it.

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