Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Everyday Wonder

As the school year begins and summer ends we often find ourselves falling into a weekly routine. I love routines and knowing what will happen next, but sometimes we can let the routine get the best of us.

I was reading some quotes by Abraham Joshua Heschel, a Jewish leader of the 20th century. It seems to me that he had great insight. One of the ideas he emphasized was embracing the wonder of every day. He believed that we should wake each day to see the wonder of God and the amazing things He has planned for us. He spoke about seeing the marvel in the little things around us, in the day to day routine activities.

I love this notion. I love putting the world aside and taking a moment to thank God for the amazing sunrise He has provided. I love gazing into my toddler's eyes and remember the miracle of His creation. I love that making lunch for my family can be a time of wonder, memory making and praise. I love that doing wash can remind me of how Jesus washes me clean and gives me a fresh start each and every time I ask. I especially love the evenings when we sit as a family breaking bread and sharing the memories of our day. Oh, the wonder of it all!

I don't believe that our days are meant to be routine sweat and labor. I truly believe that each day is meant to be seen as a gift. Each day could be the last day that you are able to do__________. Then what? Are we wasting the blessings of each day and missing the wonder of His plan? When you think about loved ones that you have lost, what do you's the little things, right?

Let me encourage us all to stop not just once, twice or even three times, but let us stop ourselves hundreds of times a day and remember the wonder of that moment. No matter what the moment....good, bad, beautiful, ugly....let us remember it is a gift. The wonder of each moment throughout our days is a gift from God, a reflection of His unending love and an opportunity to share His amazing grace.

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