Monday, May 20, 2013

Free Will

One of the most challenging aspects of raising Godly children, in my opinion, is that they have free will. Free will is a frustrating element to me and my "I am the Mom" lifestyle. Our children are truly free to decide if they want to listen to my words or not, if they want to listen to their friends words or not, and if they want to listen to God's words or not. There are many times when I wish that their free will was gone and they would just do what I say 100% of the time.

Imagine though, if their free will was gone. They would truly stop being individual, unique children and become something like a robot. They wouldn't be able to think for themselves, wouldn't have the ability to make any choices without my assistance and would only love me because I tell them they should. There may be moments where this sounds like a good idea, but I know that a life like this would not be fulfilling in anyway and I would wish it gone as fast as it came.

I have often wondered why God would create us with Free Will, knowing that many of us would reject Him and go our own way. But, as we have had children of our own, I have answered my own question.  I have found that a hug is much stronger when given voluntarily, an "I love you" means much more when said spontaneously, and a child cuddling on my lab is much sweeter when they initiate the exchange. The desire my children have to share their lives with me, fills my days with joy.

I am sure that our Heavenly Father feels much the same way. He longs for us to come to Him voluntarily and He desires for us to want to share our lives with Him. He sees us, He knows what we are up to.....but just like you enjoy talking to your child after one of their activities (even though you were watching the entire time), God loves when you talk to Him about your days. He is a loving father who wants to have a personal relationship with each of us, a relationship that is a part of our everyday and one that is continually growing stronger.

I love our children deeply and am extremely glad when they choose to include me in their lives. I hope ours is a relationship that is also part of our everyday and growing stronger all the time. I pray that God will help me to remember that just as we have free will to reject God, our children do also. Truly all we can do is show them God's amazing love and pray that they wholeheartedly jump into Jesus' loving arms. Now that sentence includes a million little things we can do to influence our children, but ultimately it is their choice.

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