Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What If It Is Today?

What if today is the day when you and your child will no longer be together? What if today is the day when one of you will pass from this earth? What if today is your last chance to tell them what you really want to say? What if it is today?

The past few days have seen many tornadoes and dangerous storms travel across the central part of the US, the devastation has been great and wide spread. My heart is breaking for those that have lost their homes, but especially for those who have lost loved ones. The scenes from the collapsed elementary school are truly horrifying to me. To know that children were trapped somewhere under those cars and debris.....it is hard to imagine being a parent who sent their child to school in the morning and in the afternoon when they come to pick them up, they find a pile of rubble instead of a school. Harder yet to imagine, not being able to find your child in that rubble or being told that your child has died. How do you even continue to breathe? I know it would be difficult for me to desire to continue to live without my children. My prayers are certainly with them!

So, I have been thinking..... It doesn't take a storm to bring devastation, parents and children are separated each and everyday. Each day there are car crashes that take lives, there are illnesses that defeat us, and there are freak accidents that end in sadness. We have no idea if this will be the last day that we get to spend with our child. We have no idea what tomorrow will bring.

I hugged my children a little tighter last night when I sent them to bed. But then I thought about what I would want to say or do if I knew today was our last day on earth together. First, I would want to be certain that they knew Jesus as their Savior. Then, I would want to spend the day telling them I love them and doing things that would make great memories for us both. We talk about making memories all the time....cooking together, on bike rides, when making craft projects and when going on fun adventures. Memories are something we can hold tight to when our loved ones are gone. What would you want to do?

Although our days are often hurried and filled with many daily tasks, let us not forget to cherish each other everyday. Let me encourage you to end each day with hugs and love, try not to let the last thing we say to anyone be said in anger, but treat each moment as if it could be our last. Let us take the time to tell others about Christ and love each other like there is no tomorrow. I pray that you and your family will get thousands of more days together to make memories, but let me challenge you to live as if today is your last day!

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