Friday, May 10, 2013

There Is A Person Behind The Mask

Many of us had a childhood that can be described as challenging or difficult, and had stuff we needed to work through when growing up. I know that when I was in middle school I created this intricate mask to protect myself and not show my "true" self to those around me. I assume that many of you did the same. So then, why am I so surprised when I discover that others are wearing "masks" today?

This week I read part of a blog from a teen that I have known from church. This teen appears to me to be your everyday teen....comes from a good family....does well in school....participates in extracurriculars.....knows Christ as her Savior....truly someone I would have considered for my own children to look up to. I was shocked to read that even she has felt the need to wear a mask. Really? She hasn't face any of the challenges I faced as a child, why would she need a mask? (I know,  a bit judgmental of me, wouldn't you say!)

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it seems to me that almost everyone is wearing a mask of some sort. Almost everyone I know feels like they need to be something different....smarter, skinnier, prettier, faster, stronger, happier..... Interesting. If we ALL feel like we need to be something different, who is the one pressuring us ALL to feel that way? Who is telling ALL of us that we are not good enough?

I am certainly no expert, however it would seem reasonable to me to assume this is truly the work of Satan. Why else would this be such a common thread throughout our civilization? Satan is making us feel less than the valuable child of God we truly are. He is using lies, the media and circumstances around us to make us feel like we are safer, more acceptable and better WHEN we are wearing a mask, when we are being something we are truly not. How sad!

1 Peter 2:9 tells us that we are "a chosen people" and "God's special possessions." I have read the Bible several times and don't remember reading anything about us needing to wear a mask or needing to be anything different than what God called us to be.

Here is my challenge to all of us (especially me).....let's all take some time to get to know the person behind the mask. We need to be conscious of our words and glances, don't let our actions tell others they need to keep those masks on. We need to be willing to take our masks off and encourage others to allow their masks to come down. However, the most important thing I think we need to do right now, is teach our children that they don't need their masks. They are precious gifts from God and He has created them for a purpose and I don't believe that includes wearing a mask.

There is a person behind every mask....lets get to know them and allow the love of Christ to shine through even the deepest masks!

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