Thursday, May 2, 2013

Getting Back At Others

It seems to me that many people today have forgotten the whole Golden rule concept. You know, "do onto others as you would have done to you." These days I see many more examples of "an eye for an eye." If you watch almost any movie or tv show, you will see people "getting even" with others. Even when we are just our and about, I encounter those desiring to "get back at" someone else. I am amazed at the amount of "payback" I see each day. 

Maybe you disagree with me....that's ok! But, here are some examples that I recently encountered: 
-take the couple at the restaurant, that weren't happy about anything they ordered..."She has another thing coming if she thinks she is getting a tip from us." Is it really her fault?
-what about the white truck on the way home that is weaving in and out of traffic and then for some reason decides to honk his horn, pull in front of you and slam on his breaks....obviously, something was done to upset him and he decided you deserved to be treated this way.
-then there is the student who is planning their birthday party and since you didn't invite her to your party (even though you didn't have one) she is not even going to consider inviting you to hers.
-watch the young boy on the playground when another child "steals his swing," a swing he left to go down the slide but everyone was suppose to know he was coming right as he takes his arm and pushes the other child and then states "that's what you get!"
-how about the sports match you are watching? One player hurt or pushed another play, sometimes on accident and what happens next...they get back at him, purposely and it's o.k. 
I can find examples each and every day and at all age levels, it is so sad.

In Proverbs 17:13 we read "Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good." Wow, evil will never leave your home. That explains why it seems some people are always having trouble and always getting involved with strange fighting situations. Romans 12:17 also tells us "Do not repay evil for evil...", we are told several times in scripture that God will defend us and that we need not fight on our own behalf. 

Our home is currently having some trouble with "paybacks." Now it is not as extreme as some of the things listed above, but it is still there. One sibling not sharing because the other didn't share not helping another because they didn't receive any help calling a name because they were called a name previously....and on and on. We have started to focus on these issues and how we really want to treat others. I know that if they don't learn now how to be kind and not "repay" others for their actions, these bad behaviors will continue to grow. I certainly don't want my adult children to have a home filled with evil and a life consumed by conflict. A small lesson learned now will grow into a huge blessing in the future.

May God grant us all wisdom as we teach our children that "paybacks" never end and that we will get much farther in life when we treat others how we would like to be treated!

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