Monday, May 13, 2013

Like Needing Air

Yesterday was Mother's Day. A wonderful day set aside to honor the person who gave us life and also for us moms to be honored by those God has given us as children. I had a wonderful day and I hope that you are able to say the same. However, I was reminded this weekend of those who feel pain on Mother's Day instead of joy. My heart breaks for these situations.

There is the wife who for years has been faithfully praying and longing for a child to call her "mom." Many years of medical interventions and miscarriages, yet still her deepest desire has not been fulfilled. When asked about the situation, she exclaimed "my personal need for a child is like needing air. I think about it with every breath I take."

What about the friend whom had her second child a few months ago, the mom of two beautiful girls. It should be a joy filled day with this new blessing, however it is a day filled with reminders of what was. You see, her husband filed for divorce while she was pregnant. This is her first Mother's Day as a single mom. When asked all she could say was, "being divorced on Mother's Day sucks!"

Then there is my niece and nephew who spent the day without their mother. She has been "taken" and was incarcerated a few weeks ago. They don't even get to talk to her. They are stuck in the foster system until we can get them to another family member. They may never spend another Mother's Day with her. It is truly best for them to be in a different home, but that doesn't make it hurt any less!

I can only imagine the countless other stories.....those that lost their Mother since last mother's day; those that have lost their children; those who can't talk to their children because they are serving our country; those who are dealing with a horrible sickness and haven't even noticed that it was Mother's Day.

Sorry to be such a bummer today! Let us encourage one another in two ways this week. First, let us be praying for those that are hurting and maybe even send them a note or bless them in some small way. Second, let us remember how truly blessed we are. I remember longing for our first child, it was a nearly 5 year journey, and because of that journey I know how blessed we are to have these amazing children. The need I have to hug, touch, talk to and interact with my children each day is truly like needing air. I can not even imagine our life without them!

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