Monday, May 6, 2013

Quick To Listen

I received a notice in the mail the other day informing me of a major change to our health insurance plan which would occur on the exact day that I received the letter. Of course, I didn't open the mail until 4:30 in the afternoon and their office closed at 4:00pm. Needless to say, I was an unhappy camper.

The next day when I called the 800 number on the letter I was able to speak to a very nice lady. She spoke very kindly and calmly with me. However, she really didn't listen to me. Every time I tried to answer a question or give her information, she assumed to know where I was going, would interrupt and start giving me her explanation. It was very frustrating. I felt like she was truly more interested in talking than listening.

In the course of trying to solve what has turned out to be a computer problem, I spoke with two different associates and a supervisor. All of them were kind, but none of them listened. Now, because they assumed to know what I was saying I have an entire packet of papers to file and my case is suspended until these papers are complete.

This situation reminded me of the verses in James 1:19-20...everyone should be quick to listen slow to speak and slow to become angry.... These people were certainly not quick to listen or slow to speak. However, how often am I quick to listen and slow to speak? Do I just assume to know what my children are going to say? Or, am I patient enough to listen to what they are really trying to say. Honest answer, I am not waiting for my children to tell me the whole story. I am busy, have many things to do and pretty much know what they are going to say. I am often like the person on the phone, assuming to know what they are going to say and doing my best to move the conversation along. How frustrating it must be for them! What about you?

This week one of my goals is going to be to remember James 1:19-20, and try to listen to my little ones. Listen first, speak second. One day not too long from now I will long for them to tell me about their day and they will be off living lives on their own. These are conversations for me to cherish today and everyday. May God bless us as we cherish this days and have the patience to listen.

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