Friday, August 2, 2013

God's Provisions

This email I am going to share today is one that was written by a Christian mom to her dear friends. The names have been removed, but the email is real as are the circumstances. Please take a few moments to listen to her heart.

I really wanted to call one or both of you, but I seriously can not talk. I have been crying for a while now. I am only writing to you because I know that you two will understand that God is just amazing.

So we are in a very hard spot right now. The months of July and August are months where I make no income at all. You also are aware that we have added two children to the mix (who by the way, are doing great). I thought we were doing fine, and then things just started happening. Our car insurance was due on the 22nd for both cars, it is now late. Our youngest daughter's class went up by more than $40. (I know that this is not a necessity, but she hasn't been in class since the first week of June and I told her she could start again with the fall session). The session starts next week and fees need to be paid. The other girls have basically the same situation with their class. I told them they couldn't do the last session but they could do this one. Their class starts in two days and fees are due. School registration is next week. To register all four kids for school will cost $40 a child. Both of our gas tanks have the empty light on. We are out of night time pull-ups and although we have food, we are missing some key items that are stables in our home.

I was trying to convince myself today to go into church and ask Pastor if he would be able to help us out, at least with our car insurance. (well, not him, but the fund at church that they use to help people). It takes a lot of convincing.....too much pride!! Well, before I was able to talk to him I was having a meeting at church with the VBS director. During our meeting, a staff person at church walks in and hands me an envelope that had been placed on his desk for our family. In it was a check that will cover EVERYTHING just mentioned in the above paragraph....almost to the cent!

I am completely overwhelmed! God knew exactly what we needed and when we needed it and He provided so generously for it ALL! I have no idea why I ever doubted! 
Thank you so much for your prayers, support and encouragement! You ladies mean the world to me!!

I am not sure about you, but I find this email to be very moving. I know most of us have been there, the place where we are not sure where the money is going to come from, it is easy to relate too. God doesn't always answer with a large check, but that doesn't mean He loves you any less. He sees the big picture, He knows what will bring Him glory and how best to help you grow in your faith during a situation.

When I shared this situation with a friend, she was telling me about a study she was attending. In this study, they were talking about world known ministers and some struggles they had been through. She mentioned that one leader was running an orphanage with around 300 children. They had fallen on hard times and had nothing to feed these 300 children for breakfast. The minister had the children sit at the table, they passed out plates and such, they bowed their heads and thanked God for the food they were about to be blessed with.....even though there was no food. A few moments after the prayer there was a knock at the door, a bakery had too much bread and was asking them if they would need it. A few moments later a milk truck broke down and gave the children milk because he had no way to keep it cold. Amazing!

My encouragement for you today is to remember that God loves you and that you can trust Him. You can trust Him to guide you and provide for your needs. Someone once told me, "God always gives us what we need, unfortunately, sometimes we use it for what we want instead." Let me encourage you to step back and look at all the amazing blessings God has given your family and thank Him for the wonderful provisions that are yet to come. I look forward to hearing your faith building stories and how God is moving in your family!

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