Friday, August 16, 2013

You Never Know What They Are Thinking

We have a bedtime routine at our home. We try to follow it most days, but some days are just crazy and the routine is upset....I am sure you can relate. Well, last night in the middle of our routine, our 4 year old surprised me. He was all settled down, I thought he was moments from being fully asleep. All of a sudden he rolls over, looks at me and asks, "how does the zoo get it's animals?" Where did that come from? We haven't been to the zoo in 4 months, we haven't driven past the zoo in weeks, we didn't even read an animal book yesterday. This one question led to a full discussion on zoos and their animals.

I am amazed at what our little ones are thinking sometimes. It is clear that I have no idea what they are pondering or retaining from our conversations. How long has he been thinking about those zoo animals and what else is he pondering in that mind of his?

There are times when I speak to parents when they tell me that they don't feel their children are getting anything out of their devotions and memory verses, or that they haven't started yet because they feel the children are too young. I of course, try to encourage them and remind them that God has promised that His word will never return void. His word is good for teaching and helping our children walk through this world and develop their relationship with Christ. This conversation about zoo animals convinces me even more that we should be sharing the scriptures with our children at a young age. Imagine what they might be pondering.

By allowing our children to hear scripture we are planting the words in their minds and giving them the opportunity to retain and ponder so much. The earlier we start the better. How awesome it would be for your children to never know a time when your family wasn't doing devotions, reading verses and/or praying together! It is just what we have ALWAYS done. What a blessing for you and your children.

I recall a time several years ago when our 7 year old (at the time) and I had a very strong disagreement which ended with her needing to spend a few moments in her room. After several minutes she called from her room, "Mom, can you please come here? I would like to show you something." When I came to her room, she was sitting on the floor with her Bible open. She pointed in her Bible to Ephesians 6:4, "Parents do not exasperate your children...." I responded with having her read the verses before Ephesians 6:4 which states that children should obey their parents. I said, "You work on the first verse and I'll work on the 4th."

I certainly didn't find it funny at the time, but I was so proud that our daughter was using scripture when she was upset. I never know what they are thinking, but I pray that we have enough scripture in our home that they are pondering it as they grow physically, emotionally and spiritually.

May God bless us all as we raise children that bring Him glory and impact the Kingdom for eternity!

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