Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Know, But....

My least favorite phrase to hear is "I know, but...." It truly frustrates me when I am talking to one of my children and they respond with "I know, but..." They are clearly not listening to me when they are ready to refute my instructions before I even finish talking. After all, I am the mom and I would obviously have something important to say.

We were having a day filled with "I know, but..." recently. I was done. My patience was gone and I was ready to explode. My exact thoughts were, "I am the mom, I am not here to argue with you, your job is to listen and obey." As mount mom was about to erupt, God sent me a gentle reminder of all the times I say "I know, but" to God. Ouch!

How many times do I read the scriptures, see an area of my life that God is asking me to evaluate and I use the phrase, "I know but..." with Him? I know I should or shouldn't.....but there is just so much stress in our home right now. I know I should or shouldn't.....but it is summer and our schedule is all out of wack right now, I will look at it when school starts; or when I find a job; or when the baby is older; or when I have more money; or or or. How frustrated I would be if my children gave me as many excuses as I give God. After all, He is God and He would obviously have something important to say.

"I know, but..." is still a phrase that I am going to discourage in my home. However, now I want to discourage it so that my children can learn to listen to their Heavenly Father. So that I can be better at listening to Him too. It is not always easy to do what we are asked, but we need to remember that the person in authority making the request is doing it because they love us and they want what is best for us. Let's all work to set aside what we think we need, stop the "I  know, buts...." and follow the path that God has laid before us.

May God truly bless you and your family as you make a conscious effort to follow His ways, raise children that bring Him glory and stop the "I know, buts..."

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