Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How Convenient

During Bible study recently, we were talking about our individual faith and how strong or weak we think it might be. The responses were interesting and lead to a discussion of why? Why does it seem that someone's faith is stronger than another's? There were many thoughts, but one that has stuck with me is the thought that we are more interested in what is convenient than actually living or applying our faith.

I have been thinking about the idea for several days. I start out becoming angry at all the "Christians" who don't take the time to do what they know is right....then I start thinking about myself and all the times I choose convenience over application. It is true, we all choose what is easy over what is right from time to time. It hurts me to think about the number of times I have turned my back and walk away from a chance to live out my faith.

Yesterday for example, I was driving down the road with a van full of kiddos. We were on our way to church for an event, and of course we were running a few minutes late. As I am driving through town, I see an older gentlemen in a powered wheelchair on the sidewalk that looks like he is going to fall out the side of his chair. I am wondering if he is having a medical issue. I slow down to take a closer look as we approach. To my relief, he is not having a medical issue, he has dropped his straw and he is leaning out of his chair to try and retrieve it. No matter how much he strains he is not able to reach it. As I drive past my heart aches for him. I go around the block to offer my assistance, even though I know that it will make us even later for our destination. This was not a convenient situation, but it is more important to show compassion than to be on time.

Being a parent is not an easy job. Almost anyone can have a child, but it takes work to be a parent. I find very few situations in parenting to be convenient. My children never get the flu at a convenient time. It is always when I have many things on the calendar and/or could really use a full nights sleep. These children that I dearly love seem to always have their "emergencies" at the most inconvenient times....when I am on an important phone call, when I am on my way out the door, when we are in the middle of a large department store, or my favorite, when we are in the middle of a worship service. These situations are certainly not convenient, but my children are more important and their need for love and compassion should come before 99% of what I feel I need to get done.

I am sad to say that many times I choose convenience over excellence. My children and our God deserve my very best. Let me encourage us all to step past the convenience driven society that we live in and start striving for a life that is living proof of the faith we have. Let us also think about setting aside some personal conveniences to devote more focused time with the amazing children that God has blessed us with. May our families never be driven by convenience, but driven by the desire we have to raise children that glorify and praise God with all they are.

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