Friday, April 19, 2013

Consumed By Busy-ness

As I laid in my 4 year old's bed the other night, rubbing his back, I realized that it has been way too long since I had been there. I actually could not remember the last time I had spent time just rubbing his back and loving him as he went to sleep. This got me thinking, am I giving each one of our kiddos the individual time they each need? The answer was clearly "no," but why?

Simply put, I am busy. I am the homeschooling mother of five children, the wife of a music minister, a child care provider, a volunteer, a writer, a daughter and a friend....I am busy. I can always find something to do. There is plenty of laundry, dirty dishes, homework, projects, meals and events that need my attention. I am busy. I am sure you are busy. It seems that everyone is busy.

I have realized that I have allowed myself to become consumed by the busy-ness. I am so busy trying to get "everything" done, that I am missing the most important family. The more I thought about it, the more I could see that each member of my family was truly getting what I had left. After giving all of my energy to the "stuff" calling my name, I have only marginal energy to give to my husband and kids. Somehow I had switched my checklist around and somehow "stuff" had founds its way to the top of the list.

When did this happen? How long had it been this way? I don't even know. But, it doesn't really matter. Today is a new day. Today is a day I can go to each member individually and ask for their forgiveness. Today is a day that I can challenge myself to do at least one thing with each member of the family. It can be as simple as just sitting together and reading a book, or maybe I will help my daughter empty the dishwasher today and we can talk at the same time, or maybe I can play outside with them for a bit and let the "to do list" rest for a moment. Today is a new day and I am going to choose to be present in the lives of my family and not allow the busy-ness to consume me.

This might seem a bit silly or trivial to some, but I am choosing to remember that I only have these little blessings for a very short time. Only about 1/4 of their life is spent here with me at home, and it is that high because we homeschool and do almost everything together. God has given them to me and my husband to help prepare them for the work they will do in His Kingdom. This is the most important job I have! The memories we make today with our children are going to guide them in the decisions they make in the future. It is a great responsibility, one too important to be pushed aside by busy-ness.

May God bless each of us as we strive today to set aside the busy-ness and be consumed by what is truly important....Jesus, our family and loving others.

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