Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What Do You Say?

This post is being written within 24 hours of the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon and in no way is meant to trivialize the horrible events that occurred. My prayers and thoughts are with all those affected by this tragic event. May the love of Christ be poured out to them and sustain them through these days.

What do you say? What do you say when you are watching the news coverage on the television and your child walks in and asks, "what happened?" How do you respond to their concern for their own safety? These are questions that we have been wrestling with these last 24 hours.

I didn't tell my children at first. I was able to watch a good 15 minutes of coverage before I was approached by the first child. We watched a few minutes of coverage together, but it wasn't long before each member of the family had made their way to the television. We paused the coverage and stopped to talk about what had happened. It was a tough conversation.

Our children know people who run races, we double checked to be sure none of them were at the race. We also know people who live in Boston, we checked on them and their safety. Once they knew the people that they cared about were safe, their interest changed direction. They were now focused on all the people they see hurt and were especially interested once they saw a child be carried away. Their focused moved from worry to why.

Why would someone want to hurt people who are standing and watching a race? Why would someone be mad at people running a marathon? Why would anyone want to hurt little kids? Why? What do you say?

The hard reality is we live in a world consumed by sin, hatred and selfishness. There are people in this world that find great joy in harming others. There are people in this world who believe that killing Americans will bring them glory and salvation. There are children in this world who deal with explosions and tragedy everyday. Why? What do you say?

Although our children do not fully understand what happened, we can learn many things from a situation like this. First, we can talk about all the people who helped. People who were and are giving of themselves to help the victims. People who are donating blood, shelter and medical care. These things are important all the time, but things intensify during a tragedy. Next we talk about being safe. That truly an accident can happen anytime anywhere and a horrifying event can happen anytime anywhere. We trust that Jesus is protecting us and that He will work through us even if we are hurt in a situation. Finally, we talk about the importance of loving others. Of loving them enough to show them Jesus' love. Loving them enough to talk to them about Jesus, because one day each of us will end our time here on earth. It might be when we are 90 in hospice care, it might be in a car accident when we are 40 or it might be watching our dad run a race when we are 8.

What do I say? Honestly when I see a tragic situation on the tv or in the news, the first thing I think is "did they know Jesus?" Days like yesterday remind me how important it is for me to be sharing my faith with others. I do not know the time or the place when my life will end, but I know that my redeemer lives and because He lives I will live with Him in eternity. What about our neighbor, co-worker, friend or family member? What will happen if they are faced with a tragic event tomorrow? Will I be able to say that I loved them enough to tell them? Will you? What do we say?

Father God, I am thankful that each person that I know was not harmed in the bombing in Boston. I pray Father that you will continue to send strength to the families involved, and that they might experience an outpouring of love and support. I pray for the medical staff, that you would grant them discernment as they are treating the individual victims. I pray for the law enforcement officials, that you would guide them to an understanding of what happened and that you would lead them to the person or persons responsible. I pray for each family around the world who is trying to explain such a tragic event to their children. And Father I pray that you would continually remind me of days like today and how important it is to share your gift of salvation with those around me. Be glorified in my family and help us to make choices that bring you praise and honor! In your Holy name we pray....Amen

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