Friday, April 26, 2013

Legacy Builder #3 "Constant"

This is my final legacy builder post. I have written about a very influential first grade teacher, a Bible study leader whose challenges changed the entire direction of my life and today I write about a family member who provided a constant place for love and encouragement. This constant strong pillar in my life was my Grandfather.

As some of you know my childhood was filled with great obstacles, heartaches and challenging situations. One of the most difficult challenges, something that still invades my thoughts to this day, is the fact that my earthly father abandoned me when I was still in the womb. I spent many a night wondering what I could do different to make my father want to be with me. How can I be a better person? How can I convince him that I don't want anything from him except to know him? How can I even find him?

This longing for a loving earthly father is something that I struggle with from time to time. However, I had a wonderful grandfather that filled much of the void I felt as a young child. He treated me like his own daughter. He embraced my struggles and celebrated my triumph. In a world where I never knew what was happening next, he was a strong tower for me to lean on.

As I think about it, I am led to believe that he is the one that started this desire I have to serve other. He seemed to always be doing something for someone else and expecting nothing in return. He served our country in WWII, he served two communities as a volunteer fireman well into his retirement, he served his neighborhood by picking up trash each day when he took his walk, he served his church by being an usher, and he served his family by being an example of love and encouragement. I know that my grandfather served many and impacted many because when my grandfather went to live with Jesus, about 4 years ago, several people sent nice cards and notes telling of the influence he had on them.

So I had an awesome grandpa, so what? I share this with you to show you that it doesn't take a lot to leave a legacy. All you need to do to change a life for Christ is to be yourself. Simply take the love that Christ has given you and live that love everyday. You could become someone's "constant." The only consistent thing in their life, maybe the only positive thing in their life. I pray that God will bless each one of us as we "Dare to live a legacy!"

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