Thursday, April 11, 2013

Remember His Promises

Joshua 23: 14 "....You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed."

Many times in the Bible, God directs His people to remember, He has them place a rock or build an altar or leave a type of monument. The purpose of these items is so that in the future, when they pass by one of these they will remember and tell others what happened. They were tell others of the promises God fulfilled and how He brought them thru the trial they faced.

Somewhere along the line they forgot. They forgot to share the amazing journey that God had brought them on. They forgot that God has never failed them. They started to live according to the people around them. They began to use other things besides God's Word to help them make their decisions. They lost sight of the monuments God had given them to help them remember.

Today, the fulfilled promises of God are often looked at as myth or foolishness. Today, few have even been told of the promises or that God never fails. Instead today the world teaches us that there is "a better way." A way that is not lead by God, but by reason, research, and majority rule. Today, we are taught that believing in God means we are weak, but believing in the ability of man means we are strong. Oh how far we have strayed!

I would like to encourage us today to remember. Remember what God has brought His people through, and remember what promises God has kept to us on our journey. Let us put "rocks" in our homes to help us remember each time we pass them. Let's tell these fulfilled promises to our friends and children. God doesn't give us trials to test us, but to display His Glory. His faithfulness not only encourages us, but His faithfulness to us can also be a powerful encouragement for others. Let us continually remind our children that God has never failed, that His ways do not make us weak but strong and that He always fulfills His promises. These reminders will help your children to grow to trust God instead of man and give them strength to make it through each day.

May God truly bless you as you take this journey with your children and continue to remind them of God's promises and Love!

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