Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Hunt or Life Hunt

Like many families in the past few days our children participated in an Easter hunt. It is tradition in our family for Grammy to hide a basket for each child somewhere in her home. Each basket is clearly marked for the child it is intended...so not only do you need to find a basket, you need to find the basket  made just for you.

It is quite fun to watch the kiddos as they look up high, down low, and in closets, cupboards, appliances, and drawers. The hunts always start the same, with excitement and anticipation. However, about 15 minutes into the hunt someone starts to get discouraged, someone has found a basket that doesn't belong to them and someone has found their prize. It may take awhile, but with a bit of encouragement, everyone perseveres and finds their own special basket.

I can't help but think that our hunt experience mirrors our walk in this world. Our children are very aware of the great prize that awaits them at the end of this earthly life, but sometimes it can become just like the hunt. Part way through their journey, they may become discouraged. Many times society makes it difficult for us all to make the best choices. There are other times when we look at those around us, they seem to have it all together, so we choose to do what they are doing. These can be discouraging times when children are growing and trying to find the path that God has designed for them.

It is fun during an Easter hunt to watch our children look frantically and make funny choices. Let me encourage you to take a different approach as your children "hunt" for their future. We should not sit by and watch as our kiddos make poor choices that allow them to become discouraged. Following Christ is a journey that takes endurance, strength and perseverance...these are all things we could use help with, let us be encouraging voices in our child's life as they grow in these areas and keep them moving in the right direction. It is also important to help our children continually seek the special path God has just for them. There is no need to be "just like everyone else."Following a path God has made for someone else is NOT going to bring ANYONE great joy and fulfillment. Helping our children to see God's special design just for them, will help strengthen them when times are getting tough. We can also get encouragement sometimes by looking at those that have found their prize in Christ. Seeing how God is working in their lives and how He is using them can also be motivating for youth that are struggling, helping them to see that God truly does use us for His plans.

I know many people feel that we should just let young people "discover" for themselves where they want to be in life. But, I would argue that there are an extreme few that actually do this. There are influences coming from all directions wanting our children to become like them. Let me encourage you to be intentional in encouraging your children to follow the path God has planned for them. Help them to "hunt" for what God has designed special just for them. What a blessing that will be! As the saying goes, "If we don't take the time to teach our children to follow Christ. The world will teach them not to." May God give you strength, endurance and perseverance to raise these blessings He has given you.

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