Monday, March 18, 2013

Don't Loose Hope

Recently I heard a mom talking about a friend who asked, "why is my child choosing a path I know will cause such hurt and pain? I have prayed for them my whole life, so why do they seem to be walking away from their faith? Why is my prayer not being answered?"

My heart broke. I pray, that is a statement I never make. I love my children so deeply that I never want to see them make choices that will cause them deep hurt and pain...choices that seem to be far away from God's best plan.

There it was, my first reaction was to think of myself and my own children. Then, I actually thought about the question. How would I answer that question if a mom asked me? What would I say to a mom whose heart was aching for her child? My answer, don't loose hope! Continue to pray, continue to encourage and continue to trust.

Continue to the widow in Luke 18 who approached the judge each day until she was given the justice she was looking for. God hears our prayers. He loves His children. Do not be discouraged, your prayers are heard and in His timing they will be answered.

Continue to encourage...because we are each born with Free Will, we each have the choice to walk away from the Lord at anytime. Even though your child may be walking a path you disagree with, continue to show him the love of Christ. Take the time to continue to build your relationship. Allow him to see Christ living in you and to see that there is hope, forgiveness and love waiting for him.

Continue to trust....God's ways are higher than our ways. No one knows the will of God or the plans He has for us. He may have huge plans for your child, but in order for those plan to be fulfilled a trial must be endured. What if, in order for your child to make the greatest impact in the place God has for him, he needs to expeirnce this pain? You have trusted God with your child's life until this point, continue to trust and know that God loves your child even more than you do. 

I pray that you are not asking these questions today. However, if you are, I pray that you would find hope in these words and in knowing that God's plan is always best. Take a moment and look at your own life....although you would not want your child to go through the same trials and hardships you have endured, they have made you stronger. They have drawn you closer to our Savior's side, take courage in knowing that God can do the same for your child.

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