Monday, March 4, 2013

Me vs. the Baby

Our youngest child is now 11months old. I love his since of curiosity, his smile makes me melt and his face swallowing kisses make me laugh. He is a blessing, but he is challenging me more every day. It seems to have become a "battle," it is me vs. the baby.

Our baby has decided that he "needs" me at all times. I have commented that I think the umbilical cord is still attached. If he is playing and senses that I have left the room, he begins crawling from room to room calling for me. If I am doing, typing, helping another child, anything....he comes to me, pulls on my legs and signs "up." This adventure even continues into the night. He is still not sleeping through the night and actually seems to be waking up more often during the night. Recently we spent almost in hour battling in the middle of the night.....he would be standing up crying, I would comfort and lay him back down....and repeat.

About the time when I decide, "that is it, I have had enough. You are just going to have to cry." I think of how I would feel if I perceived that I was in need and no one was helping me. How many times have I reached out to God and He has ignored me or left me to comfort myself? Never. I think of God's amazing love for me and that maybe I should be more like my son. Maybe when I sense that I am not near God, I should move close to Him. Maybe I should be discontent with anything but being held in His loving arms.

I know that I am not God, but a mother's love is a great earthly example of how God loves us. I guess the battle is really not Me vs. the is really Me vs. Me. The "me" that has important things to get accomplished and the "me" that wants my son to know without a doubt that he is loved, precious, and that I will always be here for him. Looks like this battle is going to continue for some time. May God bless you with any battles you might be having.

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