Monday, March 11, 2013


When I first graduated from college, I taught at a lovely Christian school for several years. This school had a saying that they used to help the children with their choices and behavior. It was J-O-Y, Jesus, Others, Yourself. It really is a great reminder of how we should be going through our days and how we should be looking at the situations we face. First, think of can we serve Him and/or bring Him glory in these circumstances? Second, think of will my decision benefit or help someone else? How can I keep from hurting someone else? Lastly, think of I making this decision to benefit me only, am I putting myself first? A great teaching tool.

I find that as a mother and when talking to other mothers completing the J-O-Y phrase is sometimes difficult. We don't seem to have trouble with the Jesus part. Most moms I know that are striving to raise Godly children take their children to Worship, Sunday School, and even do Christian study in their home. When I spend time with other moms, I see that they are teaching their children to share and that they will be one of the firsts to sign-up to bring someone a meal or help another who is struggling. Clearly they understand the Others part of the phrase. The part I struggle with and I know other moms do too, is the Yourself part.

Moms I know have troubles blessing themselves. We as moms are constantly looking to take care of someone else. We make sure everyone else has eaten their fill before taking more, that they have clean appropriate clothing, that they have been assisted with their homework and that they are at their activity on time. These same moms find it difficult to make time for themselves...going months before their next haircut, finding they have no jeans because the dog has just ripped up the last pair, wearing items that were in their closet from before they were married and staying up way too late to finish some paperwork. We love being a mom and taking care of others, we don't even think much of it when we forget to take care of ourselves.

Well, I am here to encourage you to take a moment to remember yourself. The J-O-Y is not complete if we neglect ourselves. So I challenge you this week to think of one thing you can do for yourself. It doesn't have to be big, just something you don't do everyday that will bring a smile to your face. When our J-O-Y is complete, we can be more joyful as we are serving others. 

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