Monday, March 25, 2013

Earthly Fathers

Something about starting Holy Week this year has made me think of fathers. I am continually amazed by the incredible sacrifice that our Heavenly Father made for each and every one of us. I have a hard time understanding that He would love me so much that He would sacrifice His perfect son for a sinner like me. I am overwhelmed with emotion when I stop and truly reflect upon Jesus' willingness to follow the Father's plan and give up His life for me; unbelievable Grace that I certainly do not desire.

I wonder if I have a hard time accepting God's continual gift of grace because of the word "Father"? It is hard for me to understand the love of a father. Many of us have never experienced abundant love from our earthly father. Maybe you were raised in a home where the father was abusive. Maybe you grew up in a home where the father put his needs in front of yours. Maybe your father worked hard for your family, but seemed to never be there when you thought you needed him. Or maybe there was no father in your home at all, he just left and abandoned your family.

I know how hard it is to look at the love of our Heavenly Father any different than what we experienced from our earthly father, but we need to. Our earthly fathers are sinful beings just like us. Even if you were blessed to be raised in a home with a loving father, I am sure there were times when they let you down. Earthly fathers make mistakes, they break promises, they fall short of perfection..... just like all of us. Even the most amazing fathers have disappointed and hurt their families from time to time.

The great news is that God keeps His promises, He doesn't make mistakes and is perfect in every way. He knows what you need before you even know you need it. He has sacrificed His only son so that you may spend eternity with Him. He always has the best plan for you, everything He does for you is because He loves you.

As we journey through this Holy Week, let us put aside the negative feelings we may have towards our earthly fathers. We know things like abuse, abandonment, neglect and absence. Let us instead turn our focus on the amazing love God has for us; the incredible sacrifice Jesus has made and the abundant grace provided for our salvation. May our hearts overflow with thankfulness and praise. Hosanna, Hosanna....Save us now!  

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