Wednesday, March 27, 2013

That's Not Fair

Is this a phrase you hear often? Our middle daughter must say it at least once a day. We have spoken to her numerous times about it, but she seems to like her position on the topic better than ours. Here are some of my views on "It's not fair."

-"You're right, it is not." There are many things in life that are not fair. The simple fact that I am expected to cook meals for everyone, that my husband needs to wash everyone's clothes, and that the grass keeps growing even though the mower is broke....these are all things that don't seem quite fair. But, we all need to work together. What would happen if everyone in the world only took care of their own needs? Well, we would stop existing, as all the babies would die because no one would take care of them. There would be a great deal more waste because people wouldn't share. I am also pretty sure there would be no team sports because everyone would want to be the leader. To that I say, "no thank you."

-"Who said that life was suppose to be fair?" I see very few things in life that are fair. If you watch any of those nature shows....sea turtles for example, those baby turtles hatch from their eggs, climb through the sand, and then have to avoid multiple predators just to make it to the water, and over half of them are eaten before reaching the ocean. What is fair about that? Or sports, the referees and judges are always affecting the games even though they are suppose to be helping. Or hunger, there is enough food in this world for everyone so why is it so hard to get the food to those truly in need? That certainly doesn't seem fair. I have many more examples, but I think you get my point.

-"If life was fair, we would all be going to hell." This is my favorite response and seems so fitting for Holy Week. If life was fair, Jesus would not have died for our sin, and we would have no way to reconcile ourselves and would therefore be spending eternity in hell. Just think about it. Jesus was sinless, He did nothing wrong. He broke no laws. Yet, they crucified Him. He took my place. He became my sacrifice, so now when God looks at my sin filled life He sees the blood of Jesus instead of a wretched me.

I say, "Praise God!" I am glad that life isn't fair. I rejoice daily that God loved me (and you) so much that He sent His Son, Jesus to be my (and your) sacrifice; that if we believe in Him we might live with Him forever. Now, that is not fair and I am glad!

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