Thursday, March 7, 2013

Training Up Your Child

Most of us have heard and/or read Proverbs 22:6...."Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." I often ponder this verse. I know that it doesn't seem like it should be that confusing, but I struggle with what it means to "train" and if "the way he should go" could be different for each child.

I think it is a given that the verse refers to teaching our children about the Bible and what Christ has done for them. It is important for us to help them memorize verses, attend church and develop Christian character. But, I think there could be more to it. As I look at our five children I can see that they each have been created with different gifts and interests. They are each so very different from the other, sometimes it amazing me that they have the same parents. I believe that they are each so different because God has created them each with a unique purpose. "Training a child in the way he should go" makes me think that we need to help our children find the unique purpose God has for their lives.

Finding God's purpose for our children's lives is quite challenging, because He doesn't just come out and tell me. I pray about it, that God would help me to see what He desires for each one of them. We talk about it. Anytime one of the kiddos says, "I think I want to be ____ when I grow up." We take that opportunity to encourage their interests, but remind them that it is important to seek God's plan for their lives. I certainly don't want to squish any of my children's dreams, but I find it challenging to believe that God has created my son to be a "GatorBoy." So, we feel it is important to remind them often that God has a plan for them, and that His plan is best for their lives.

We also try to provide our children with opportunities to try things that they think they are interested in. This is the most challenging for me. It is often fun to try something new, but finding what they might enjoy is not always easy or affordable. I also find it very challenging when I think we have found something that is a great fit and that they love very much...just to have something new and more interesting come along. I think that is just the "control freak" in me. However, no matter how many activities we try and how many events we attend, I know that God is working His plan in the lives of our children.

If you asked me today for my best guess, I would tell you that we have: an athlete and coach; an actress; a veterinarian; a stay at home mom; a musician; a chef; a worship leader; and a cupboard emptier. The joy of this adventure comes by watching them try new things, finding things they like and seeing God working in their lives. No matter where God has planned for our children to travel on their journey, I am praying that they will love and serve Him always and that we did our best to help them follow the path He has for them.  

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